最近,中科院微生物所真菌学国家重点实验室黄广华课题组研究发现转录因子Flo8在白色念珠菌感应CO2过程中起关键的调控作用。Flo 8含有一个真核生物中保守的LisH结构域,不仅调节CO2诱导的白色念珠菌“酵母-菌丝形态”转换,也控制了“白菌-灰菌”之间的转换。该研究首次发现Flo8对于CO2诱导的菌丝生长和灰菌形成都是必需的。过表达FLO8基因则增强了白色念珠菌细胞感应CO2的敏感性。进一步研究证明,白念株菌中两条信号途径参与了CO2感应,即保守的cAMP/PKA通路和另一条未知途径。这两条通路最终汇合于转录因子Flo8。Flo8再通过转录因子Efg1和细胞周期调控因子Hgc1等下游分子调控菌丝生长;通过转录因子Wor1和Wor2调控“白菌-灰菌”形态的转换。该研究不仅提供了同一种外界环境因子(CO2)如何调控两个截然不同的生理过程(“酵母-菌丝形态”和“白菌-灰菌”转换)的一个范例,也为病原真菌致病机理和高等生物CO2感应研究提供了线索。相关研究得到了英国肯特大学部分合作者的支持。
该项研究成果已在线发表在Molecular Biology of the Cell上。(生物谷Bioon.com)
The transcription factor Flo8 mediates CO2 sensing in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans
Han Du1, Guobo Guan1, Jing Xie1,2, Fabien Cottier3, Yuan Sun1, Wei Jia1, Fritz A. Mühlschlegel3,4, and Guanghua Huang1,*
Physiological levels of CO2 have a profound impact on prominent biological attributes of the major fungal pathogen of humans, Candida albicans. Elevated CO2 induces filamentous growth and promotes white-to-opaque switching. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of CO2 sensing in C. albicans are insufficiently understood. Here we have identified the transcription factor Flo8 as a key regulator of CO2 induced morphogenesis in C. albicans by screening a gene null mutant library. We show that Flo8 is required for CO2 induced white-to-opaque switching as well as filamentous growth. Ectopic expression of FLO8 hypersensitizes C. albicans cells to the elevated CO2 levels. Furthermore we demonstrate that CO2 signaling in C. albicans involves two pathways: the already reported cAMP/PKA and another major unidentified. The two pathways converge on the transcription factor Flo8, which is the master regulator of CO2 sensing in C. albicans and plays a critical role in regulation of white/opaque switching and filamentous growth. Our findings provide new insights into the understanding of CO2 sensing in pathogenic fungi which has important implications for higher organisms.