近日,国际著名杂志《细菌学杂志》Journal of Bacteriology上刊登了伦敦皇后玛丽大学的研究者的最新研究成果“Pseudomonas aeruginosa possesses two putative Type 1 signal peptidases , LepB and PA1303,each with distinct roles in physiology and virulence”,文章中,研究者揭示了绿脓杆菌的两个I型信号肽酶LepB和PA1303,而且进一步研究发现,这两个肽酶在细菌的生理学和毒力上扮演着不同的角色。
I型信号肽酶(Type I signal peptidases,SPases)是细菌细胞质的膜结合酶,可以清除分泌过程中异位蛋白质的N端信号肽,SPases也是特殊的丝氨酸蛋白酶类,可以催化丝氨酸-赖氨酸二联体合成。
Pseudomonas aeruginosa possesses two putative Type 1 signal peptidases, LepB and PA1303, each with distinct roles in physiology and virulence
Richard D. Waite1,*, Ruth S. Rose2, Minnie Rangarajan1, Joseph Aduse-Opoku1, Ahmed Hashim1 and Michael A. Curtis1
Type I signal peptidases (SPases) cleave signal peptides from proteins during translocation across biological membranes and hence play a vital role in cellular physiology. SPase activity is also of fundamental importance to the pathogenesis of infection for many bacteria including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which utilises a variety of secreted virulence factors including proteases and toxins. P. aeruginosa possesses two non-contiguous SPase homologues LepB (PA0768) and PA1303, which share 43% amino acid identity. RT-PCR showed that both proteases were expressed whilst a FRET-based assay using a peptide based on the signal sequence cleavage region of the secreted LasB elastase showed that recombinant LepB and PA1303 enzymes were both active. LepB is positioned within a genetic locus which resembles the locus containing the extensively characterized SPase of E. coli, and is of similar size and topology. It was also shown to be essential for viability and have high sequence identity with SPases from other pseudomonads (≥ 78%). In contrast PA1303, which is small for a Gram-negative SPase (20 kDa) was found to be dispensable. Mutation of PA1303 resulted in an altered protein secretion profile, increased N-butanoyl homoserine lactone production and influenced several quorum sensing controlled phenotypic traits, including swarming motility and the production of rhamnolipid and elastinolytic activity. These data indicate different cellular roles for these P. aeruginosa SPase paralogues; the role of PA1303 is integrated with the quorum sensing cascade and includes the suppression of virulence factor secretion and virulence associated phenotypes, whilst LepB is the primary SPase.