近日,来自乔治亚州立大学的研究者通过研究发现,肠道中正常生存的细菌和免疫系统之间的“战斗”,如果被另外一种细菌所打断,可能引发两种慢性疾病。研究中研究者揭示,当“煽动”细菌完全被清除掉之后,这种“战斗”仍然可以继续进行,而且进一步会引发代谢综合征或者炎性肠疾病。相关研究成果刊登在了近日的国际杂志Cell Host & Microbe上。
编译自:Bacteria-Immune System 'Fight' Can Lead to Chronic Diseases, Study Suggests
Transient Inability to Manage Proteobacteria Promotes Chronic Gut Inflammation in TLR5-Deficient Mice
Frederic A. Carvalho1, 2, 3, Omry Koren4, Julia K. Goodrich4, Malin E.V. Johansson5, Ilke Nalbantoglu6, Jesse D. Aitken1, Yueju Su1, Benoit Chassaing1, William A. Walters7, Antonio González8, Jose C. Clemente9, Tyler C. Cullender4, Nicolas Barnich11, Arlette Darfeuille-Michaud11, Matam Vijay-Kumar1, Rob Knight9, 10, Ruth E. Ley4, Andrew T. Gewirtz1, ,
Colitis results from breakdown of homeostasis between intestinal microbiota and the mucosal immune system, with both environmental and genetic influencing factors. Flagellin receptor TLR5-deficient mice (T5KO) display elevated intestinal proinflammatory gene expression and colitis with incomplete penetrance, providing a genetically sensitized system to study the contribution of microbiota to driving colitis. Both colitic and noncolitic T5KO exhibited transiently unstable microbiotas, with lasting differences in colitic T5KO, while their noncolitic siblings stabilized their microbiotas to resemble wild-type mice. Transient high levels of proteobacteria, especially enterobacteria species including E. coli, observed in close proximity to the gut epithelium were a striking feature of colitic microbiota. A Crohn’s disease-associated E. coli strain induced chronic colitis in T5KO, which persisted well after the exogenously introduced bacterial species had been eliminated. Thus, an innate immune deficiency can result in unstable gut microbiota associated with low-grade inflammation, and harboring proteobacteria can drive and/or instigate chronic colitis.