2012年8月14日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --细菌形成被称作生物膜的群落从而影响很多经常被使用的医学设备,包括尿管和静脉导管。这种“数量优势”的方法保护它们免受体内自然防御机制和抗生素的攻击。
英国诺丁汉大学研究人员发现当把新的材料加到医学设备表面时,这些材料排斥细菌从而阻止它们形成生物膜。他们将他们的研究结果发表在Nature Biotechnology期刊上。
本文编译自New bacteria resistant materials discovered
doi: 10.1038/nbt.2316
Combinatorial discovery of polymers resistant to bacterial attachment
Andrew L Hook, Chien-Yi Chang, Jing Yang, Jeni Luckett, Alan Cockayne, Steve Atkinson, Ying Mei, Roger Bayston, Derek J Irvine, Robert Langer, Daniel G Anderson, Paul Williams, Martyn C Davies & Morgan R Alexander
Bacterial attachment and subsequent biofilm formation pose key challenges to the optimal performance of medical devices. In this study, we determined the attachment of selected bacterial species to hundreds of polymeric materials in a high-throughput microarray format. Using this method, we identified a group of structurally related materials comprising ester and cyclic hydrocarbon moieties that substantially reduced the attachment of pathogenic bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli). Coating silicone with these 'hit' materials achieved up to a 30-fold (96.7%) reduction in the surface area covered by bacteria compared with a commercial silver hydrogel coating in vitro, and the same material coatings were effective at reducing bacterial attachment in vivo in a mouse implant infection model. These polymers represent a class of materials that reduce the attachment of bacteria that could not have been predicted to have this property from the current understanding of bacteria-surface interactions.