2012年9月2日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,国外的微生物学家通过研究揭示了细菌被迫接受或者拒绝外源DNA分子的分子机理,这些外源DNA分子常常会通过遗传转化的方式来掺入细菌的基因组中。研究者表示,了解刺激值可以限制或者操控细菌,从而可能为医学带来一些帮助。相关研究成果刊登在了近日的国际杂志Cell Host & Microbe上。
编译自:Researchers demonstrate how 'interfering' RNA can block bacterial evolution
CRISPR Interference Can Prevent Natural Transformation and Virulence Acquisition during In Vivo Bacterial Infection
David Bikard1, Asma Hatoum-Aslan1, Daniel Mucida2 and Luciano A. Marraffini1
Pathogenic bacterial strains emerge largely due to transfer of virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes between bacteria, a process known as horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) loci of bacteria and archaea encode a sequence-specific defense mechanism against bacteriophages and constitute a programmable barrier to HGT. However, the impact of CRISPRs on the emergence of virulence is unknown. We programmed the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae with CRISPR sequences that target capsule genes, an essential pneumococcal virulence factor, and show that CRISPR interference can prevent transformation of nonencapsulated, avirulent pneumococci into capsulated, virulent strains during infection in mice. Further, at low frequencies bacteria can lose CRISPR function, acquire capsule genes, and mount a successful infection. These results demonstrate that CRISPR interference can prevent the emergence of virulence in vivo and that strong selective pressure for virulence or antibiotic resistance can lead to CRISPR loss in bacterial pathogens./P>