中科院上海药物所蓝乐夫课题组、蒋华良课题组与芝加哥大学何川教授课题组等合作,在金黄色葡萄球菌致病性及耐药性的调节机制研究方面获得新进展。研究论文于8月27日在线发表于美国科学院院刊PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)。
金黄色葡萄球菌是一种重要的院内感染细菌。抗生素的使用以及滥用催生并富集了耐药性菌株,耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)的感染已成为最难解决的感染性疾患。目前,细菌毒力因子的表达调控正在成为病原细菌学研究的热点,研究的深入将会给新型的抗细菌感染策略—抗毒力治疗(Anti-virulence therapies)提供理论基础和切入点。
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1205952109
Protein cysteine phosphorylation of SarA/MgrA family transcriptional regulators mediates bacterial virulence and antibiotic resistance
Fei Sun,Yue Ding, Quanjiang Ji, Zhongjie Liang, Xin Deng, Catherine C. L. Wong, Chengqi Yi, Liang Zhang, Sherrie Xie, Sophie Alvarez,Leslie M. Hicks,Cheng Luo, Hualiang Jiang, Lefu Lan and Chuan He
Protein posttranslational modifications (PTMs), particularly phosphorylation, dramatically expand the complexity of cellular regulatory networks. Although cysteine (Cys) in various proteins can be subject to multiple PTMs, its phosphorylation was previously considered a rare PTM with almost no regulatory role assigned. We report here that phosphorylation occurs to a reactive cysteine residue conserved in the staphylococcal accessary regulator A (SarA)/MarR family global transcriptional regulator A (MgrA) family of proteins, and is mediated by the eukaryotic-like kinase-phosphatase pair Stk1-Stp1 in Staphylococcus aureus. Cys-phosphorylation is crucial in regulating virulence determinant production and bacterial resistance to vancomycin. Cell wall-targeting antibiotics, such as vancomycin and ceftriaxone, inhibit the kinase activity of Stk1 and lead to decreased Cys-phosphorylation of SarA and MgrA. An in vivo mouse model of infection established that the absence of stp1, which results in elevated protein Cys-phosphorylation, significantly reduces staphylococcal virulence. Our data indicate that Cys-phosphorylation is a unique PTM that can play crucial roles in bacterial signaling and regulation.