2012年9月17日 电 /生物谷BIOON/ --奥胡斯大学一个研究小组在细菌如何控制自身细胞中毒素量的研究中获得了最新突破。这些新发现可能最终导致治疗细菌性感染的新方法的出现。
许多致病细菌能够通过形成不易受到传统抗生素影响的存留细胞(persister cell)进入休眠状态。这给治疗危及生命的疾病如肺结核带来了严重的问题,存留细胞的存在往往会导致患者得到治疗后感染复发。细菌细胞能进入一种休眠的“persister”状态,这使它们对压力状态、包括被抗生素杀死更有抵抗力。在临床环境中,“persister”的形成会导致细菌病原体清除不完全,导致治疗失败。
The Crystal Structure of the Intact E. coli RelBE Toxin-Antitoxin Complex Provides the Structural Basis for Conditional Cooperativity
Andreas B?ggild, Nicholas Sofos, Kasper R. Andersen, Ane Feddersen, Ashley D. Easter, Lori A. Passmore, Ditlev E. Brodersen
The bacterial relBE locus encodes a toxin-antitoxin complex in which the toxin, RelE, is capable of cleaving mRNA in the ribosomal A site cotranslationally. The antitoxin, RelB, both binds and inhibits RelE, and regulates transcription through operator binding and conditional cooperativity controlled by RelE. Here, we present the crystal structure of the intact Escherichia coli RelB2E2 complex at 2.8 resolution, comprising both the RelB-inhibited RelE and the RelB dimerization domain that binds DNA. RelE and RelB associate into a V-shaped heterotetrameric complex with the ribbon-helix-helix (RHH) dimerization domain at the apex. Our structure supports a model in which relO is optimally bound by two adjacent RelB2E heterotrimeric units, and is not compatible with concomitant binding of two RelB2E2 heterotetramers. The results thus provide a firm basis for understanding the model of conditional cooperativity at the molecular level.