2012年9月18日 电 /生物谷BIOON/ --一种土壤细菌分泌的天然物质证实或许能开发成一种新的药物来治疗肺结核,据一项发表在EMBO Molecular Medicine杂志上的最新研究证实。瑞士科学家研究小组揭示了细菌孢囊菌产生的天然抗生素吡啶霉素是如何对结核菌发挥功效的。这个有前途的候选药物对许多已经耐一线药物异烟肼治疗的结核病菌有积极抑制功效。
细菌所具备的一些特性和产生的一些物质具有强大的防御能力,以保护细菌在细菌栖息地生存下来。因此,筛选这些细菌生物所产生的天然产物是一种强有力的方法来发现对抗传染病的新药物,这项研究的主要作者巴黎高等联邦理工学院Stewart Cole表示,使用这种方法我们已经表明,抗生素吡啶霉素对诱发人类结核病的结核分枝杆菌具有选择性抑制作用。同时,还积极对耐一线药物如异烟肼治疗的分枝杆菌有效。每年,结核病造成高达200万例死亡病例。开发新的有效药物是一个迫切需求,因为目前耐多药结核病患病率增加,抗生素的有效性大大降低,用来治疗结核病的药物如异烟肼和利福平往往不再有效。
Towards a new tuberculosis drug: pyridomycin – nature's isoniazid
Ruben C Hartkoorn, Claudia Sala, Joo Neres, Florence Pojer, Sophie J. Magnet, Raju Mukherjee, Swapna Uplekar, Stefanie Boy-R?ttger, Karl-Heinz Altmann, Stewart T. Cole,et al.
Tuberculosis, a global threat to public health, is becoming untreatable due to widespread drug resistance to frontline drugs such as the InhA-inhibitor isoniazid. Historically, by inhibiting highly vulnerable targets, natural products have been an important source of antibiotics including potent anti-tuberculosis agents. Here, we describe pyridomycin, a compound produced by Dactylosporangium fulvum with specific cidal activity against mycobacteria. By selecting pyridomycin-resistant mutants of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, whole-genome sequencing and genetic validation, we identified the NADH-dependent enoyl- (Acyl-Carrier-Protein) reductase InhA as the principal target and demonstrate that pyridomycin inhibits mycolic acid synthesis in M. tuberculosis. Furthermore, biochemical and structural studies show that pyridomycin inhibits InhA directly as a competitive inhibitor of the NADH-binding site, thereby identifying a new, druggable pocket in InhA. Importantly, the most frequently encountered isoniazid-resistant clinical isolates remain fully susceptible to pyridomycin, thus opening new avenues for drug development.