2012年8月13日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,来自伯克利实验室的遗传工程师和基因组学家研究发现了编辑基因组(editing genomes)新的高效用形式,这项研究为以后新型药物的研发和生物能源的开发提供了新的建议,而且其可以在遗传学上修饰微生物,比如细菌和真菌。相关研究成果刊登在了国际著名杂志Science上。
研究报告中指出,一种程序化的二元RNA指导的DNA核酸内切酶可以适应细菌的免疫系统,细菌为了生存,其依赖于一种适应性的基于核酸的免疫系统,这种免疫系统以一种名为CRISPR的遗传元件为中心,CRISPR是Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats的简写(丛生的调节回文重复)。CRISPRs和核酸内切酶结合后可以利用小的专门的crRNA(CRISPR衍生的RNA)来作为靶点去破坏病毒或者其它外源质粒的DNA。
编译自:Programmable DNA Scissors Found for Bacterial Immune System
A Programmable Dual-RNA–Guided DNA Endonuclease in Adaptive Bacterial Immunity
Martin Jinek1,2,*, Krzysztof Chylinski3,4,*, Ines Fonfara4, Michael Hauer2,†, Jennifer A. Doudna1,2,5,6,‡, Emmanuelle Charpentier4,‡
CRISPR/Cas systems provide bacteria and archaea with adaptive immunity against viruses and plasmids by using crRNAs to guide the silencing of invading nucleic acids. We show here that in a subset of these systems, the mature crRNA base-paired to trans-activating tracrRNA forms a two-RNA structure that directs the CRISPR-associated protein Cas9 to introduce double-stranded (ds) breaks in target DNA. At sites complementary to the crRNA-guide sequence, the Cas9 HNH nuclease domain cleaves the complementary strand while the Cas9 RuvC-like domain cleaves the noncomplementary strand. The dual-tracrRNA:crRNA, when engineered as a single RNA chimera, also directs sequence-specific Cas9 dsDNA cleavage. Our study reveals a family of endonucleases that use dual RNAs for site-specific DNA cleavage and highlights the potential to exploit the system for RNA-programmable genome editing.