2012年8月20日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --巨细胞病毒(CMV)是疱疹病毒的一种,尽管很多人会携带该病毒长达一生时间,但是该病毒几乎不会使携带者致病。近日,来自德国亥姆霍兹传染病研究中心和美国的研究人员揭示了携带CMV长时间后所引发的长期效应,研究者表示,病毒携带者在晚年的时候,其机体的免疫系统的大量免疫细胞就会集中“监视”CMV病毒,因此对于其它病毒的监视抵御能力就会降低。这项研究解释了为什么老年人相比年轻人更易于患感染性疾病。
病毒学家Luka Cicin-Sain教授是这项研究的主要领导者,其将这项最近研究成果刊登在了国际著名杂志PLoS Pathogens上。文章中,研究者揭示了感染CMV数月之后,小鼠和人类一样,也表现出了对其它病毒如流感病毒低的免疫监视和抵御能力。
在年轻人机体中免疫系统的持续激活是非常有益的,因为激活的免疫系统可以抵御入侵机体的任何感染。但是再长的蜡烛也有熄灭的一天,人类的免疫系统也不例外,随着年龄增长,机体的免疫系统功能会慢慢下降。在老年人体内,免疫系统会失去功能,因此保护机体的能力也会慢慢丧失,免疫保护可以用免疫风险预测(Immune risk profile,IRP)来表示,在很多研究中,研究者研究者研究者IRP和CMV存在之间的关系,然而到现在为止,研究者并不清楚IRP是否是CMV感染的结果抑或者是IRP导致了机体对CMV感染敏感性的增加。
编译自:Virus Throws a Wrench in the Immune System
Cytomegalovirus Infection Impairs Immune Responses and Accentuates T-cell Pool Changes Observed in Mice with Aging
Luka Cicin-Sain1,2*, James D. Brien2,3, Jennifer L. Uhrlaub2,4, Anja Drabig1, Thomas F. Marandu1, Janko Nikolich-Zugich2,4*
Prominent immune alterations associated with aging include the loss of naïve T-cell numbers, diversity and function. While genetic contributors and mechanistic details in the aging process have been addressed in multiple studies, the role of environmental agents in immune aging remains incompletely understood. From the standpoint of environmental infectious agents, latent cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection has been associated with an immune risk profile in the elderly humans, yet the cause-effect relationship of this association remains unclear. Here we present direct experimental evidence that mouse CMV (MCMV) infection results in select T-cell subset changes associated with immune aging, namely the increase of relative and absolute counts of CD8 T-cells in the blood, with a decreased representation of the naïve and the increased representation of the effector memory blood CD8 T-cells. Moreover, MCMV infection resulted in significantly weaker CD8 responses to superinfection with Influenza, Human Herpes Virus I or West-Nile-Virus, even 16 months following MCMV infection. These irreversible losses in T-cell function could not be observed in uninfected or in vaccinia virus-infected controls and were not due to the immune-evasive action of MCMV genes. Rather, the CD8 activation in draining lymph nodes upon viral challenge was decreased in MCMV infected mice and the immune response correlated directly to the frequency of the naïve and inversely to that of the effector cells in the blood CD8 pool. Therefore, latent MCMV infection resulted in pronounced changes of the T-cell compartment consistent with impaired naïve T-cell function.