2012年12月4日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --一个50多年来的未解之谜在今天终于有了答案,近日,来自于默奥大学的研究者详细揭示了钙促进耶尔森氏菌引发疾病的分子机制,相关研究成果刊登国际杂志PLoS ONE上。
研究者Magnus Wolf-Watz表示,运用NMR(核磁共振波谱法)技术,我们可以揭示蛋白质YscU与钙结合的具体部位,NMR可以帮助研究者确定分子的组分以及详细结构,运用这项技术,研究者就可以轻松揭示钙质是如何帮助耶尔森氏菌引发机体感染的。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Autoproteolysis and Intramolecular Dissociation of Yersinia YscU Precedes Secretion of Its C-Terminal Polypeptide YscUCC
Stefan Frost1, Oanh Ho2, Frédéric H. Login1, Christoph F. Weise2, Hans Wolf-Watz1*, Magnus Wolf-Watz2*
Type III secretion system mediated secretion and translocation of Yop-effector proteins across the eukaryotic target cell membrane by pathogenic Yersinia is highly organized and is dependent on a switching event from secretion of early structural substrates to late effector substrates (Yops). Substrate switching can be mimicked in vitro by modulating the calcium levels in the growth medium. YscU that is essential for regulation of this switch undergoes autoproteolysis at a conserved N↑PTH motif, resulting in a 10 kDa C-terminal polypeptide fragment denoted YscUCC. Here we show that depletion of calcium induces intramolecular dissociation of YscUCC from YscU followed by secretion of the YscUCC polypeptide. Thus, YscUCC behaved in vivo as a Yop protein with respect to secretion properties. Further, destabilized yscU mutants displayed increased rates of dissociation of YscUCC in vitro resulting in enhanced Yop secretion in vivo at 30°C relative to the wild-type strain.These findings provide strong support to the relevance of YscUCC dissociation for Yop secretion. We propose that YscUCC orchestrates a block in the secretion channel that is eliminated by calcium depletion. Further, the striking homology between different members of the YscU/FlhB family suggests that this protein family possess regulatory functions also in other bacteria using comparable mechanisms.