复旦大学上海医学院英国籍全职长江学者特聘教授、复旦大学生物医学研究院研究员Alastair Murchie和研究员陈东戎率领的课题组,历经3年多艰辛,终于在耐药性病原菌中首次发现了一种由氨基糖苷类抗生素药物调控的新型“核糖开关”,该“开关”对控制此类抗生素的“耐药性”有重大作用。
Riboswitch Control of Aminoglycoside Antibiotic Resistance
Xu Jia, Jing Zhang, Wenxia Sun, Weizhi He, Hengyi Jiang, Dongrong Chen, Alastair I.H. MurchieSee
The 5′ leader RNA of aminoglycoside antibiotic-resistance genes is conserved
Aminoglycosides induce reporter gene expression by interacting with the leader RNA
The aminoglycosides bind to the leader RNA and induce a change in the RNA structure
Induction is independent of leader peptide stalling or drug-ribosome interactions
The majority of riboswitches are regulatory RNAs that regulate gene expression by binding small-molecule metabolites. Here we report the discovery of an aminoglycoside-binding riboswitch that is widely distributed among antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens. This riboswitch is present in the leader RNA of the resistance genes that encode the aminoglycoside acetyl transferase (AAC) and aminoglycoside adenyl transferase (AAD) enzymes that confer resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics through modification of the drugs. We show that expression of the AAC and AAD resistance genes is regulated by aminoglycoside binding to a secondary structure in their 5′ leader RNA. Reporter gene expression, direct measurements of drug RNA binding, chemical probing, and UV crosslinking combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that the leader RNA functions as an aminoglycoside-sensing riboswitch in which drug binding to the leader RNA leads to the induction of aminoglycosides antibiotic resistance.