近期来自加州大学洛杉矶分校的一组研究人员通过分析患有严重痤疮病患表面微生物的DNA序列,提出一般认为导致痤疮的痤疮丙酸杆菌(Propionibacterium acnes)也许并不是罪魁祸首,在分析了一些相关的菌株后,研究人员还发现了一些能清洁皮肤的细菌菌种。这一研究成果公布在2月28日的The Journal of investigative dermatology杂志上。
领导这一研究的是加州大学洛杉矶分校李慧颖(Huiying Li,音译),她指出,“过去一直认为P. acnes是罪魁祸首”,然而最新这项研究发现事实并非如此,研究人员发现患有痤疮的患者和皮肤干净的对照组,其毛孔中的痤疮丙酸杆菌数量相似,不同之处在于他们所具有的菌株品种不同。
将这些所得的基因组与之前测序完成的基因组进行比对——早在2004年,德国研究人员就已经完成了痤疮丙酸杆菌(Propionibacterium acnes)基因组的测序工作,相关文章发表在最新一期的Science上。
来自纽约大学医学院的Martin Blaser对这一研究成果评论道,“这是一项杰出的研究——这项研究做得非常地细致,它设法解决人体微生物群系中一个重要的微生物,并取得了一些很有意义的结果。”(生物谷Bioon.com)
Propionibacterium acnes Strain Populations in the Human Skin Microbiome Associated with Acne.
Fitz-Gibbon S, Tomida S, Chiu BH, Nguyen L, Du C, Liu M, Elashoff D, Erfe MC, Loncaric A, Kim J, Modlin RL, Miller JF, Sodergren E, Craft N, Weinstock GM, Li H.
The human skin microbiome has important roles in skin health and disease. However, bacterial population structure and diversity at the strain level is poorly understood. We compared the skin microbiome at the strain level and genome level of Propionibacterium acnes, a dominant skin commensal, between 49 acne patients and 52 healthy individuals by sampling the pilosebaceous units on their noses. Metagenomic analysis demonstrated that although the relative abundances of P. acnes were similar, the strain population structures were significantly different in the two cohorts. Certain strains were highly associated with acne, and other strains were enriched in healthy skin. By sequencing 66 previously unreported P. acnes strains and comparing 71 P. acnes genomes, we identified potential genetic determinants of various P. acnes strains in association with acne or health. Our analysis suggests that acquired DNA sequences and bacterial immune elements may have roles in determining virulence properties of P. acnes strains, and some could be future targets for therapeutic interventions. This study demonstrates a previously unreported paradigm of commensal strain populations that could explain the pathogenesis of human diseases. It underscores the importance of strain-level analysis of the human microbiome to define the role of commensals in health and disease.