(图片来源:Eugenio Sangiorgi, University of Utah)
领导该项研究的是2007年诺贝尔生理或医学奖得主之一、美国犹他大学的遗传学家Mario Capecchi。他和Eugenio Sangiorgi发现,当利用一种名为Bmi1的基因标记小鼠肠内的成体干细胞后,那些特化的细胞大都位于上三分之一肠内。这意味着至少有一到两种其他类型的成体干细胞在维持和修复中间和下部三分之一的肠道。
Nature Genetics,doi:10.1038/ng.165,Eugenio Sangiorgi & Mario R Capecchi
Bmi1 is expressed in vivo in intestinal stem cells
Eugenio Sangiorgi1 & Mario R Capecchi1
Bmi1 plays an essential part in the self-renewal of hematopoietic and neural stem cells. To investigate its role in other adult stem cell populations, we generated a mouse expressing a tamoxifen-inducible Cre from the Bmi1 locus. We found that Bmi1 is expressed in discrete cells located near the bottom of crypts in the small intestine, predominantly four cells above the base of the crypt (+4 position). Over time, these cells proliferate, expand, self-renew and give rise to all the differentiated cell lineages of the small intestine epithelium. The induction of a stable form of -catenin in these cells was sufficient to rapidly generate adenomas. Moreover, ablation of Bmi1+ cells using a Rosa26 conditional allele, expressing diphtheria toxin, led to crypt loss. These experiments identify Bmi1 as an intestinal stem cell marker in vivo. Unexpectedly, the distribution of Bmi1-expressing stem cells along the length of the small intestine suggested that mammals use more than one molecularly distinguishable adult stem cell subpopulation to maintain organ homeostasis.