轴突生长和导向(axon growth and guidance)是一种重要的生物过程,然而其内部的细胞生物学机制一直未得到很好的解释。尽管大量证据表明轴突的生长和导向过程依赖于组织有序的细胞骨架(cytoskeletal)动力学,但是科学家还在寻找直接相应的分子现象。在2008年7月8日出版的《发育细胞》(Developmental Cell)上,来自美国的一个研究小组发表了两篇文章,分别阐述了在这一方面取得的新发现。
在该小组发表的一篇文章中,科学家研究了细胞黏着底物刺激产生的神经突增生(neurite outgrowth)。在快速增生的过程中,微管和细胞器的生长和位于外围的退化肌动蛋白网络相联系。有意思的是,当黏着位点成熟之后,收缩肌动蛋白弧(contractile actin arc)结构变得更加坚固,收缩肌动蛋白弧由Rho/Rho激酶/肌浆球蛋白II(Rho/Rho Kinase/myosin II)信号级联放大(signaling cascade)调节。当Rho激酶被抑制后,尽管生长应答仅受到少量延迟,但是微管将变得无法形成单一的生长轴。这些结果显示,Rho激酶和肌浆球蛋白II的收缩在神经生长的微管行为调节方面存在重要作用。
Developmental Cell,Vol 15, 146-162, 08 July 2008,Andrew W. Schaefer, Paul Forscher
Coordination of Actin Filament and Microtubule Dynamics during Neurite Outgrowth
Andrew W. Schaefer,1,3 Vincent Th.G. Schoonderwoert,1,3 Lin Ji,2 Nelson Mederios,1 Gaudenz Danuser,2 and Paul Forscher1,
1 Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA
2 Dept of Cell Biology, Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), La Jolla, CA 92037, USA
Corresponding author
Paul Forscher
Although much evidence suggests that axon growth and guidance depend on well-coordinated cytoskeletal dynamics, direct characterization of the corresponding molecular events has remained a challenge. Here, we address this outstanding problem by examining neurite outgrowth stimulated by local application of cell adhesion substrates. During acute outgrowth, the advance of organelles and underlying microtubules was correlated with regions of attenuated retrograde actin network flow in the periphery. Interestingly, as adhesion sites matured, contractile actin arc structures,