Scripps研究所Mueller博士表示,目前还没有伦理上可以接受的证明人类细胞的多功能性试验,尽管有些干细胞被认为是多功能的,但实际上没有进行实践试验。用150 人的干细胞当作样本,研究者建立了全基因表达谱数据库,发现所有的多能性干细胞系都具有明显的相似性,但其他细胞类型就有所不同。分析表明,一种蛋白—蛋白网络与细胞多能性相关,指出这可能是使细胞分化为多能细胞类型的一个关键因素。此外,研究者计划继续研究此蛋白网络的功能,并开展人类基因治疗。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Nature,455, 401-405,Franz-Josef Müller,Jeanne F. Loring
Regulatory networks define phenotypic classes of human stem cell lines
Franz-Josef Müller, Louise C. Laurent, Dennis Kostka, Igor Ulitsky, Roy Williams, Christina Lu, In-Hyun Parl, Mahendra S. Rao, Ron Shamir, Philip H. Schwartz, Nils O. Schmidt & Jeanne F. Loring
Stem cells are defined as self-renewing cell populations that can differentiate into multiple distinct cell types. However, hundreds of different human cell lines from embryonic, fetal and adult sources have been called stem cells, even though they range from pluripotent cells—typified by embryonic stem cells, which are capable of virtually unlimited proliferation and differentiation—to adult stem cell lines, which can generate a far more limited repertoire of differentiated cell types. The rapid increase in reports of new sources of stem cells and their anticipated value to regenerative medicine1, 2 has highlighted the need for a general, reproducible method for classification of these cells3. We report here the creation and analysis of a database of global gene expression profiles (which we call the 'stem cell matrix') that enables the classification of cultured human stem cells in the context of a wide variety of pluripotent, multipotent and differentiated cell types. Using an unsupervised clustering method4, 5 to categorize a collection of 150 cell samples, we discovered that pluripotent stem cell lines group together, whereas other cell types, including brain-derived neural stem cell lines, are very diverse. Using further bioinformatic analysis6 we uncovered a protein–protein network (PluriNet) that is shared by the pluripotent cells (embryonic stem cells, embryonal carcinomas and induced pluripotent cells). Analysis of published data showed that the PluriNet seems to be a common characteristic of pluripotent cells, including mouse embryonic stem and induced pluripotent cells and human oocytes. Our results offer a new strategy for classifying stem cells and support the idea that pluripotency and self-renewal are under tight control by specific molecular networks.