卡内基研究所胚胎学系的主任Allan C.Spradling说,每个生物体的组织器官的功能都依仗干细胞的多能性而得以维持。然而,到目前为止,科学家们还不了解干细胞的多能性是如何得以维持的。
在这项研究中,Spradling和同事Michael Buszczak,Shelley Paterno以果蝇为研究对象,鉴定了一个新基因,命名为scrawny,该基因具有修饰特殊染色体蛋白H2B的能力,H2B主要功能是包装DNA,使其成为染色体。研究者发现scrawny能修饰蛋白沉默基因表达借以控制干细胞的定向分化过程,比如说,控制干细胞分化成皮肤细胞或是肠细胞。
Science,Vol. 323. no. 5911, pp. 248 - 251,Michael Buszczak,Allan C. Spradling
Drosophila Stem Cells Share a Common Requirement for the Histone H2B Ubiquitin Protease Scrawny
Michael Buszczak,* Shelley Paterno, Allan C. Spradling
Stem cells within diverse tissues share the need for a chromatin configuration that promotes self-renewal, yet few chromatin proteins are known to regulate multiple types of stem cells. We describe a Drosophila gene, scrawny (scny), encoding a ubiquitin-specific protease, which is required in germline, epithelial, and intestinal stem cells. Like its yeast relative UBP10, Scrawny deubiquitylates histone H2B and functions in gene silencing. Consistent with previous studies of this conserved pathway of chromatin regulation, scny mutant cells have elevated levels of ubiquitinylated H2B and trimethylated H3K4. Our findings suggest that inhibiting H2B ubiquitylation through scny represents a common mechanism within stem cells that is used to repress the premature expression of key differentiation genes, including Notch target genes.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Laboratories, Department of Embryology, Carnegie Institution, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA.