在这些肌肉细胞的细胞核中,核孔蛋白正在被取代。(图片提供:Maximiliano D’Angelo)
为了回答这个问题,美国加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥市索尔克生物学研究所的细胞生物学家Martin Hetzer和同事,对不发生细胞分裂的小鼠肌肉细胞是否会取代这些支架蛋白质进行了分析。最终的答案是否定的。研究人员同时在蠕虫细胞中也发现了类似的结果——这些细胞并不会制造新的支架核孔蛋白,但却会持续形成一些新的外围核孔蛋白。一旦这些支架蛋白质到达了适当的位置,它们便会永久地待在那里。研究人员在最新出版的《细胞》杂志上报告了这一研究成果。
康奈尔大学的发育生物学家Jun Liu表示,“我非常高兴能够有其他人开始关注细胞核构造”与衰老之间的关系。但是她指出,还需要进行更多的研究,从而确定渗漏的核孔究竟是造 成衰老的原因还是仅仅是后者的一个受害者。哥伦比亚大学的细胞生物学家Howard Worman对此表示赞同,他说,关键的问题在于研究人员能否在受损的核孔与“病理学家在显微镜下观察到的老化器官或老化组织”之间建立起联系。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Cell,Volume 136, Issue 2, 284-295,Maximiliano A. D'Angelo,Martin W. Hetzer
Age-Dependent Deterioration of Nuclear Pore Complexes Causes a Loss of Nuclear Integrity in Postmitotic Cells
Maximiliano A. D'Angelo1,Marcela Raices1,Siler H. Panowski1andMartin W. Hetzer1,,
1 Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory, 10010 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA
In dividing cells, nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) disassemble during mitosis and reassemble into the newly forming nuclei. However, the fate of nuclear pores in postmitotic cells is unknown. Here, we show that NPCs, unlike other nuclear structures, do not turn over in differentiated cells. While a subset of NPC components, like Nup153 and Nup50, are continuously exchanged, scaffold nucleoporins, like the Nup107/160 complex, are extremely long-lived and remain incorporated in the nuclear membrane during the entire cellular life span. Besides the lack of nucleoporin expression and NPC turnover, we discovered an age-related deterioration of NPCs, leading to an increase in nuclear permeability and the leaking of cytoplasmic proteins into the nucleus. Our finding that nuclear leakiness is dramatically accelerated during aging and that a subset of nucleoporins is oxidatively damaged in old cells suggests that the accumulation of damage at the NPC might be a crucial aging event.