2月9日,国际著名学术期刊《自然—细胞生物学》(Nature Cell Biology)在线发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所研究员朱学良和美国华盛顿卡耐基研究所教授郑诣先的合作研究结果:Nudel和胞质动力蛋白在纺锤体基质组装中发挥重要作用,进而调控有丝分裂纺锤体的正确形成。
纺锤体是主要由微管形成的纺锤形的动态结构,负责真核细胞有丝分裂过程中遗传物质(染色体)的均等分离。因此,纺锤体的异常会引起遗传不稳定,从而导致细胞死亡或肿瘤、癌症等疾病的发生。早在几十年前,人们就提出可能存在一些独立于微管的基质成分,对纺锤体组装起着重要作用,但一直未能被证实。郑诣先研究组近来利用偶联有蛋白质激酶Aurora A的微小磁珠在非洲爪蟾卵抽提物中组装成的纺锤体,证明了一种富含生物膜的纺锤体基质(spindle matrix)的存在,并发现B型核纤层蛋白(Lamin)也是其中的一个重要成分。这种纺锤体基质与微管相辅相成,前者促进后者形成正常的纺锤体结构,而后者的聚合又增强前者的组装。另一方面,纺锤体的正确形成需要胞质动力蛋白(dynein),即一种被称作“分子马达”的能够朝向微管负端运动的蛋白质复合物。朱学良研究小组发现,Nudel是dynein的调节因子,并在有丝分裂中有重要功能。
作为中科院“海外合作伙伴计划”的成员,他们共同探索了纺锤体组装的机理。博士研究生马丽观察到体外纺锤体形成过程中微管和基质的详细变化,发现微管首先从Aurora A磁珠上长出,形成放射状的星体(aster),同时在微管上出现含Lamin B的颗粒;随着时间的推移,星体微管密度加大但长度变短,形成球状物,在此过程中,两个星体会融合形成以磁珠为两极的纺锤体,Lamin B的颗粒也变得高度富集。她和同事们发现,分离出的纺锤体基质中含有dynein和Nudel,并且Lamin B可以和Nudel直接结合。去除Nudel或失活dynein,都可以抑制基质的富集并使纺锤体组装停留在星体阶段。去除Lamin B后,则形成膨大的异常纺锤体。这些结果说明,Nudel和dynein可以通过聚集Lamin B等纺锤体基质成分来调节纺锤体的组装。而且,由于分离的纺锤体基质中还含有大量参与细胞信号转导、转录调控、膜运输等功能的重要蛋白质分子,研究人员推测,纺锤体基质可能还行使其他有待进一步认识的功能。
Nature Cell Biology (08 Feb 2009), doi: 10.1038/ncb1832
Requirement for Nudel and dynein for assembly of the lamin B spindle matrix
Li Ma1,2, Ming-Ying Tsai2,3, Shusheng Wang2, Bingwen Lu4, Rong Chen2, John R. Yates III4, Xueliang Zhu1 & Yixian Zheng1,2
The small guanosine triphosphatase Ran loaded with GTP (RanGTP) can stimulate assembly of the type V intermediate filament protein lamin B into a membranous lamin B spindle matrix, which is required for proper microtubule organization during spindle assembly. Microtubules in turn enhance assembly of the matrix. Here we report that the isolated matrix contains known spindle assembly factors such as dynein and Nudel. Using spindle assembly assays in Xenopus egg extracts, we show that Nudel regulates microtubule organization during spindle assembly independently of its function at kinetochores. Importantly, Nudel interacts directly with lamin B to facilitate the accumulation and assembly of lamin-B-containing matrix on microtubules in a dynein-dependent manner. Perturbing either Nudel or dynein inhibited the assembly of lamin B matrix. However, depleting lamin B still allowed the formation of matrices containing dynein and Nudel. Therefore, dynein and Nudel regulate assembly of the lamin B matrix. Interestingly, we found that whereas depleting lamin B resulted in disorganized spindle and spindle poles, disrupting the function of Nudel or dynein caused a complete lack of spindle pole focusing. We suggest that Nudel regulates microtubule organization in part by facilitating assembly of the lamin B spindle matrix in a dynein-dependent manner
1 Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology and Center of Cell Signaling, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China.
2 Department of Embryology, Carnegie Institution for Science and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, USA.
3 Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska 68198, USA.
4 Department of Chemical Physiology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California 92037, USA.