与人类干细胞不同,利用小鼠的胚胎干细胞形成少突胶质细胞相对容易一些,研究人员经常将小鼠的胚胎干细胞暴露于一种叫Sonic Hedgehog的蛋白里使其在胚胎的脊髓中产生少突胶质细胞。研究人员张苏春博士和同事证明,利用人类胚胎干细胞和这种蛋白也可以产生少突胶质细胞,只是时间相对长一些,大约需要14周时间,而小鼠只需2周时间。此外,两者之间还有另外一种不同:促使小鼠胚胎干细胞发育成少突胶质细胞的生长因子Fgf2实际上会延缓人类胚胎干细胞成为少突胶质细胞的速度。
Development 136, 1443-1452 (2009) doi: 10.1242/10.1242/dev.029447
Human oligodendrocytes from embryonic stem cells: conserved SHH signaling networks and divergent FGF effects
Bao-Yang Hu*, Zhong-Wei Du*, Xue-Jun Li, Melvin Ayala and Su-Chun Zhang
Departments of Anatomy and Neurology, School of Medicine and Public Health, Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1500 Highland Avenue, Madison, WI 53705, USA.
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) offer a platform to bridge what we have learned from animal studies to human biology. Using oligodendrocyte differentiation as a model system, we show that sonic hedgehog (SHH)-dependent sequential activation of the transcription factors OLIG2, NKX2.2 and SOX10 is required for sequential specification of ventral spinal OLIG2-expressing progenitors, pre-oligodendrocyte precursor cells (pre-OPCs) and OPCs from hESC-derived neuroepithelia, indicating that a conserved transcriptional network underlies OPC specification in human as in other vertebrates. However, the transition from pre-OPCs to OPCs is protracted. FGF2, which promotes mouse OPC generation, inhibits the transition of pre-OPCs to OPCs by repressing SHH-dependent co-expression of OLIG2 and NKX2.2. Thus, despite the conservation of a similar transcriptional network across vertebrates, human stem/progenitor cells may respond differently to those of other vertebrates to certain extrinsic factors.