美国Scripps研究所,ProteomTech 公司,和德国马克斯普朗克分子生物医学研究所等机构的科研人员成功地利用重组蛋白诱导体细胞生成多能干细胞。较之传统的依赖于病毒载体的诱变方法,这一划时代的新方法无需使用任何形式的外源性遗传物质,从而消除了传统方法中不可避免的对靶细胞自身基因组的影响,而且更加简便快捷。这项成果已经在最近一期的"细胞·干细胞"期刊发表,并立即引起了包括华尔街日报,NBC和福布斯等在内的各大媒体的广泛关注。
人类医学发展到今天, 对某些疑难疾病还是不能彻底根治, 如遗传疾病,器官坏死,和糖尿病等。这些疾病仅靠药物治疗只能减缓症状,而器官移植又受捐赠器官有限和免疫排斥等因素的限制而不能推广。干细胞是唯一有可能攻克这些疾病的治疗手段。但长期以来,获取多能干细胞(pluripotent stem cell)的主要来源为人的胚胎。这引起道德和宗教的争议,进而在美国等国家受到法律限制。另外,用异己的胚胎干细胞发展的治疗手段将来还是会遇到免疫排斥的问题。
2006年,日本科学家Shinya Yamanaka领导的实验室第一次证明,通过以反转录病毒为载体转基因表达四个转录因子,可以将小鼠或人的体细胞转变为与胚胎干细胞拥有相似分化和繁殖能力的细胞,命名为诱导性干细胞(iPS)。这一成果具有划时代的意义:1)干细胞的产生可以不再需要破坏胚胎,避免了道德,宗教和法律上的限制;2)不同疾病的诱导性干细胞可衍生出不同类型的疾病模型,为基础研究和药物筛选提供了强大的武器;3)理论上,各种疑难疾病可以通过病人自己的体细胞转变为干细胞,再分化为各种类型的细胞,组织,甚至器官,经过或不经过体外加工后,放回病人体内,治愈疾病。
如果说,Shinya Yamanaka博士的成果第一次使人类看到了一个梦想,那么这篇论文的发表标志着我们从梦想向现实跨出了关键的一大步。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Cell Stem Cell, 23 April 2009 doi:10.1016/j.stem.2009.04.005
Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Recombinant Proteins
Hongyan Zhou1,Shili Wu4,7,Jin Young Joo5,7,Saiyong Zhu1,Dong Wook Han5,Tongxiang Lin1,Sunia Trauger2,3,Geoffery Bien4,Susan Yao4,Yong Zhu4,Gary Siuzdak2,3,Hans R. Sch?ler5,Lingxun Duan6andSheng Ding1,,
1 Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA
2 Department of Molecular Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA
3 Center for Mass Spectrometry, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA
4 ProteomTech, Inc., 3505 Cadillac Avenue, Suite F7, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, USA
5 Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, R?ntgenstrasse 20, Münster 48149, Germany
6 LD Biopharma Inc., Sandown Way, San Diego, CA 92130, USA
7 These authors contributed equally to this work
Groundbreaking work demonstrated that ectopic expression of four transcription factors, Oct4, Klf4, Sox2, and c-Myc, could reprogram murine somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) (Takahashi and Yamanaka, 2006), and human iPSCs were subsequently generated using similar genetic manipulation (Takahashi etal., 2007,Yu etal., 2007). To address the safety issues arose from harboring integrated exogenous sequences in the target cell genome, a number of modified genetic methods have been developed and produced iPSCs with potentially reduced risks (for discussion, see Yamanaka, 2009, and references therein). However, all of the methods developed to date still involve the use of genetic materials and thus the potential for unexpected genetic modifications by the exogenous sequences in the target cells. Here wereport generation of protein-induced pluripotent stem cells (piPSCs) from murine embryonic fibroblasts using recombinant cell-penetrating reprogramming proteins. We demonstrated that such piPSCs can long-term self-renew and are pluripotent invitro and invivo.