举办城市: 上海
举办地点: 上海好望角大饭店
举办时间: 2010-4-15 ~ 2010-4-16
主办单位: 中国科学院干细胞库 北方干细胞库 南方干细胞库 华东干细胞库
承办单位: 生物谷|BioonGroup
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NeuroReport 23 September 2009 doi: 10.1097/WNR.0b013e32832ff287
Transplantation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells into the cochlea
Nishimura, Koji; Nakagawa, Takayuki; Ono, Kazuya; Ogita, Hideaki; Sakamoto, Tatsunori; Yamamoto, Norio; Okita, Keisuke; Yamanaka, Shinya; Ito, Juichi
This study examined the potential of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells for use as a source of transplants for the restoration of auditory spiral ganglion neurons. We monitored neurite outgrowth from iPS cell-derived neural progenitors toward cochlear hair cells ex vivo, and followed their survival and fates after transplantation into mouse cochleae in vivo. Neurons derived from iPS cells projected neurites toward cochlear hair cells. The settlement of iPS cell-derived neurons was observed 1 week after transplantation into the cochlea. Some transplants expressed vesicular glutamate transporter 1, which is a marker for glutamatergic neurons. These findings indicate that iPS cells can be used as a source of transplants for the regeneration of spiral ganglion neurons.