来自复旦大学生物医药科学研究院,香港科技大学,新加坡分子与细胞生物学研究院等处的研究人员获得了真核细胞内吞及分泌作用的关键因子:SNARE蛋白跨膜调控的最新研究进展。这对于了解真核细胞内吞及分泌过程中跨膜机制具有重要的意义,这一研究成果公布在Cell子刊Molecular Cell杂志上。
SNARE蛋白家族是所有真核细胞内吞及分泌作用的关键因子,由其介导的运输囊泡膜与靶膜的锚靠、融合确保了各种胞内蛋白的定向运输,从而保证了细胞生命活动的正常进行。绝大多数SNARE蛋白通过它们的跨膜结构域永久地锚定在膜上,但是含有longin结构域的SNARE蛋白Ykt6通过其双重脂质化末端,可同时存在于细胞内膜上和胞质中。胞质中的Ykt6 由于其longin结构域与core结构域的直接结合而采取自抑构象,使得胞质态的Ykt6没有膜融和活性,然而此自抑制现象的分子机制尚不清楚。
在这篇文章中,研究人员通过解析大鼠Ykt6全长蛋白与脂肪酸分子的复合物结构发现,未结合脂质的Ykt6具有多重构象,其中只有少量处于闭合状态。一旦单脂质化(羧基端Cys195法呢酰化),Ykt6的SNARE core结构域将形成四个不连续的螺旋结构包围在longin结构域表面,构成一个紧密的球状结构,在溶液中主要以闭合的构像存在。脂肪酸链包埋在longin结构域和SNARE core结构域之间的疏水口袋中,对稳定Ykt6的闭合自抑制构像起到了关键作用。
这些研究表明,在Ykt6介导的膜融合过程中,依赖于脂质修饰的胞质/膜循环是最重要的调节环节。Ykt6的构像和功能的动态性质很可能是通过longin结构域,SNARE core结构域和共价相连的脂质末端三者之间的协同作用来调控。另一方面,这一研究还表明,后修饰的法呢酰基除了参与其传统意义的膜锚定过程,还可积极调控Ykt6的膜融合功能。
Molecular Cell doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2010.01.024
Lipid-Induced Conformational Switch Controls Fusion Activity of Longin Domain SNARE Ykt6
Wenyu Wen, Jiang Yu, Lifeng Pan, Zhiyi Wei, Jingwei Weng, Wenning Wang, Yan Shan Ong, Ton Hoai Thi Tran, Wanjin Hong, Mingjie Zhang
While most SNAREs are permanently anchored to membranes by their transmembrane domains, the dually lipidated SNARE Ykt6 is found both on intracellular membranes and in the cytosol. The cytosolic Ykt6 is inactive due to the autoinhibition of the SNARE core by its longin domain, although the molecular basis of this inhibition is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that unlipidated Ykt6 adopts multiple conformations, with a small population in the closed state. The structure of Ykt6 in complex with a fatty acid suggests that, upon farnesylation, the Ykt6 SNARE core forms four α helices that wrap around the longin domain, forming a dominantly closed conformation. The fatty acid, buried in a hydrophobic groove formed between the longin domain and its SNARE core, is essential for maintaining the autoinhibited conformation of Ykt6. Our study reveals that the posttranslationally attached farnesyl group can actively regulate Ykt6 fusion activity in addition to its anticipated membrane-anchoring role.