近年来,microRNA作为一种非编码RNA分子,被证明在免疫调节的各个方面均有很重要的作用。因此,在沈南教授的指导下,整合中国科学院上海生命科学研究院健康科学研究所的基础研究力量和上海交通大学附属仁济医院风湿科的临床优势,周海波和黄新芳等深入研究了microRNA 在I型干扰素主要产生细胞——浆细胞样树突状细胞(pDC)中的调控作用。
Cancer Research:microRNA-155促进肿瘤发生 或为联系炎症和癌症桥梁
Cancer Cell:杨泮池癌症MicroRNA作用机制新发现
Blood 2010; DOI 10.1182/blood-2010-04-280156.
miR-155 and its star-form partner miR-155* cooperatively regulate type I interferon production by human plasmacytoid dendritic cells
Haibo Zhou1, Xinfang Huang1, Huijuan Cui1, Xiaobing Luo1, Yuanjia Tang1, Shunle Chen1, Li Wu2 and Nan Shen1,*
Haibo Zhou1, Xinfang Huang1, Huijuan Cui1, Xiaobing Luo1, Yuanjia Tang1, Shunle Chen1, Li Wu2 and Nan Shen1,*
The recent discovery of microRNAs (miRNAs) has revealed a new layer of gene expression regulation, affecting the immune system. Here, we identify their roles in regulating human plasmacytoid dendritic cell (PDC) activation. miRNA profiling showed the significantly differential expression of 19 miRNAs in PDCs after Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) stimulation, among which miR-155* and miR-155 were most highly induced. Although they were processed from a single precursor and were both induced by TLR7 through the JNK pathway, miR-155* and miR-155 had opposite effects on the regulation of type I interferon (type I IFN) production by PDC. Further study indicated that miR-155* augmented interferon /β (IFN/β) expression by suppressing IRAKM, whereas miR-155 inhibited their expression by targeting TAB2. Kinetic analysis of miR-155* and miR-155 induction revealed that miR-155* was mainly induced in the early stage of stimulation and that miR-155 was mainly induced in the later stage, suggesting their cooperative involvement in PDC activation. Finally, we demonstrated that miR-155* and miR-155 were inversely regulated by autocrine/paracrine type I IFN and TLR7-activated KHSRP at posttranscriptional level, which led to their different dynamic induction by TLR7. Thus, our study identified and validated novel miRNA-protein networks involved in regulating PDC activation.