在论文中,洛大细胞凋亡及癌症生物学实验室的博士后研究员Cristinel Sandu领导的研究小组对Reaper蛋白展开了深度探讨。早在1994年Steller就在《科学》杂志上发表论文第一次对Reaper蛋白进行了描述。在正常状态下,Reaper蛋白可干扰细胞凋亡抑制蛋白(IAPs)的抗凋亡作用。Reaper发出凋亡信号,启动凋亡程序,然后由caspases执行凋亡过程。
过去的研究曾证实Reaper和Hid 、Grim都可启动果蝇细胞凋亡,而在人体及其他哺乳动物中也找到了功能相似的相关蛋白。然而科学家们仍无法解答Reaper是通过何种机制在何处启动的凋亡。Sandu和同事们培育了一种遗传修饰果蝇,这种果蝇的眼睛可特异地表达各种变异Reaper蛋白。这使研究者们能够评估各个蛋白模体对Reaper诱导凋亡功能的影响。研究人员发现一个特殊的螺旋结构域对Reaper复合物形成起关键性的作用,对其进行修饰可使蛋白功能变得更强。随着致死性Reaper变异体表达增多,果蝇眼睛的损害就越明显。
在一系列的生化试验中,研究人员发现Reaper必须进入线粒体才能有效发出“死亡指令”。 Reaper可与Hid相互作用,以“搭顺风车”的方式进入到线粒体。通过荧光标记Hid 和Reaper,Sandu观察到Hid 和Reaper形成复合物,并聚集到线粒体膜上。当研究人员利用实验操作使Reaper直接进入线粒体膜时,其启动的细胞凋亡效应大大增强。进一步的实验证实当Hid形成复合物可保护Reaper在细胞启动凋亡时免于降解。
JCB doi: 10.1083/jcb.201004086
Drosophila IAP antagonists form multimeric complexes to promote cell death
Cristinel Sandu, Hyung Don Ryoo, and Hermann Steller
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Strang Laboratory of Apoptosis and Cancer Biology, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY, 10065
Apoptosis is a specific form of cell death that is important for normal development and tissue homeostasis. Caspases are critical executioners of apoptosis, and living cells prevent their inappropriate activation through inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs). In Drosophila, caspase activation depends on the IAP antagonists, Reaper (Rpr), Head involution defective (Hid), and Grim. These proteins share a common motif to bind Drosophila IAP1 (DIAP1) and have partially redundant functions. We now show that IAP antagonists physically interact with each other. Rpr is able to self-associate and also binds to Hid and Grim. We have defined the domain involved in self-association and demonstrate that it is critical for cell-killing activity in vivo. In addition, we show that Rpr requires Hid for recruitment to the mitochondrial membrane and for efficient induction of cell death in vivo. Both targeting of Rpr to mitochondria and forced dimerization strongly promotes apoptosis. Our results reveal the functional importance of a previously unrecognized multimeric IAP antagonist complex for the induction of apoptosis.