棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera是重要的农业害虫,危害多种作物。棉铃虫具有广泛的寄主并对常用杀虫剂产生了抗药性是其大发生的两个重要因素。以细胞色素P450为代表的解毒酶系对植物次生物质和杀虫剂等外源性化合物的代谢解毒作用被认为是棉铃虫化学防御的主要武器,在棉铃虫对环境的适应中起着非常重要的作用。由于细胞色素P450在研究技术上难度较大,至今有关棉铃虫细胞色素P450种类、结构、功能和调控的知识还非常缺乏。
中国科学院动物研究所农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室邱星辉研究组,通过对棉铃虫细胞色素P450新基因的克隆鉴定,揭示了棉铃虫细胞色素P450的分子多样性。通过对两个近缘关系很近的同源基因CYP9A12与CYP9A17的比较研究发现,虽然两者的基因序列和基因组结构高度相似,但在转录调控方面(基础表达和诱导表达)存在明显差异。利用基于最大似然法的统计学模型从CYP9A亚家族的13个细胞色素 P450基因中检测出了6个正选择位点,根据已解析的细胞色素P450蛋白结构预测了棉铃虫CYP9A17蛋白结构,结果显示这6个氨基酸位点均位于P450的底物结合区域(SRS)或底物进入催化位点的通道,表明它们的加速进化可能对P450底物的特异性与代谢活性产生重要影响。通过研究四种不同外源性化合物对9种CYP6和 CYP9家族的细胞色素P450基因的转录调控效应发现,棉铃虫细胞色素P450基因具有复杂的表达调控网络,不同细胞色素P450基因的转录表达因化合物的种类与浓度不同而有差异,并表现出一定程度的组织特异性。
以上研究得到了国家973项目(2006CB102003)和国家自然科学基金(No. 30370946)的资助。研究结果发表在昆虫毒理学的主流刊物Pest Management Science 和Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology上。 论文第一作者为博士研究生周小洁,责任作者为邱星辉博士。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Pest Management Science DOI: 10.1002/ps.1832
CYP9A12 and CYP9A17 in the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera: sequence similarity, expression profile and xenobiotic response
Xiaojie Zhou1,2, Caixia Ma3, Mei Li1, Chengfa Sheng1, Huixia Liu3, Xinghui Qiu1,*
Keywords:Helicoverpa armigera;cytochrome P450;CYP9A17;CYP9A12;expression pattern;xenobiotic response
BACKGROUND:Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) causes severe losses in many crops including cotton. Cytochrome P450s play crucial roles in the metabolism of many important compounds in various organisms. The authors attempt to identify new cytochrome P450 genes and investigate their expression profile and xenobiotic response in order to understand the nature and roles of cytochrome P450s in this important pest.
RESULTS: A novel P450 cDNA (CYP9A17), encoding a protein of 531 amino acid residues, was isolated from H. armigera. CYP9A17 is a typical microsomal P450, showing the highest (93.9%) amino acid identity with CYP9A12 from H. armigera. The high similarity is not only found between cDNAs, but also between the intron–exon organisation. CYP9A12 is constitutively universally expressed in all four life stages and in all tested larval tissues, whereas CYP9A17 is specifically expressed in the larval midgut and fat body. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR showed that the level of both CYP9A12 and CYP9A17 mRNA is affected in dose-dependent and tissue-specific manners by deltamethrin, gossypol and phenobarbital.
CONCLUSION:CYP9A12 and CYP9A17 showed high sequence identity, but with differential expression patterns, suggesting that CYP9A12 and CYP9A17 genes in H. armigera might diverge via subfunctionalisation after the gene duplication event. Copyright ? 2009 Society of Chemical Industry