近日加州大学洛杉矶分校强生综合癌症中心的研究人员在一项研究中发现Wnt细胞信号可以引起细胞内膜隔绝一种在蛋白质降解中发挥关键作用的酶GSK3,通过抑制GSK3的功能从而影响细胞内大量蛋白质的稳定性。研究论文发表在12月23日的Cell 杂志上。
在新研究中,研究人员证实Wnt 信号可启动GSK3从胞质隔离进入多泡体,从而与它的胞质底物分离,导致GSK3活性抑制。研究人员进而通过冷免疫球蛋白显微镜检查证实 GSK3隔离导致细胞内大量的蛋白质半衰期延长。研究结果表明多泡体是Wnt信号转导中的必需元件。
“新研究发现具有非常重要的意义,它证实了糖原合成酶激酶3 (GSK3)的功能抑制与癌症中某些发挥关键作用的蛋白质的稳定相关 ,”论文的资深作者、强生癌症中心的科学家、霍华德休斯医学研究所研究员Edward De Robertis博士说:
“我们惊讶地发现细胞中大约20%的蛋白质降解都是由GSK3启动的,其中大量的蛋白包括β- Catenin都与癌症发生相关。我们还知道大约85%的结肠直肠癌和其他癌症都是由于突变激活细胞内Wnt信号引起的。新发现将有可能推动开发出新的有潜力的癌症治疗方案。”De Robertis说:“过去我们只知道Wnt信号需要抑制GSK3,但并不清楚其具体的机制。新研究揭示Wnt信号可促使GSK3从细胞质隔离到多泡体中。”
“蛋白质降解是细胞生命活动中一个非常重要的组成部分。基因组中大约10%的基因都参与了蛋白质的降解,”De Robertis说:“我们现在知道Wnt可影响降解蛋白质的GSK3的功能,从而表明Wnt是细胞内蛋白质稳定的一个重要的调控因子。”(生物谷Bioon.com)
Cell doi:10.1016/j.cell.2010.11.034
Wnt Signaling Requires Sequestration of Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 inside Multivesicular Endosomes
Vincent F. Taelman, Radoslaw Dobrowolski, Jean-Louis Plouhinec, Luis C. Fuentealba, Peggy P. Vorwald, Iwona Gumper, David D. Sabatini, Edward M. De Robertis
Canonical Wnt signaling causes the sequestration of GSK3 inside endosomal vesicles
Protease protection and cryoimmuno-EM show that GSK3 is sequestered inside MVBs
The MVB-forming ESCRT components HRS/Vps27 and Vps4 are required for Wnt signaling
In pulse-chase experiments overall cellular protein half-life is prolonged by Wnt3a
Canonical Wnt signaling requires inhibition of Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 (GSK3) activity, but the molecular mechanism by which this is achieved remains unclear. Here, we report that Wnt signaling triggers the sequestration of GSK3 from the cytosol into multivesicular bodies (MVBs), so that this enzyme becomes separated from its many cytosolic substrates. Endocytosed Wnt colocalized with GSK3 in acidic vesicles positive for endosomal markers. After Wnt addition, endogenous GSK3 activity decreased in the cytosol, and GSK3 became protected from protease treatment inside membrane-bounded organelles. Cryoimmunoelectron microscopy showed that these corresponded to MVBs. Two proteins essential for MVB formation, HRS/Vps27 and Vps4, were required for Wnt signaling. The sequestration of GSK3 extended the half-life of many other proteins in addition to β-Catenin, including an artificial Wnt-regulated reporter protein containing GSK3 phosphorylation sites. We conclude that multivesicular endosomes are essential components of the Wnt signal-transduction pathway.