近日,日内瓦大学生物化学系、米兰的欧洲肿瘤研究所和托诺实验室的合作研究成果发表在《细胞死亡与分化》(Cell Death and Differentiation)上,该成果表明重编程细胞的“基因不稳定性”,主要表现在细胞转化为其胚胎状态的过程中,更严重的是,观察到的基因突变类似于在肿瘤细胞中观察到的突变。
Cell Death & Differentiation doi:10.1038/cdd.2011.9
Genomic instability in induced stem cells
C E Pasi, A Dereli-?z, S Negrini, M Friedli, G Fragola, A Lombardo, G Van Houwe, L Naldini, S Casola, G Testa, D Trono, P G Pelicci and T D Halazonetis
The ability to reprogram adult cells into stem cells has raised hopes for novel therapies for many human diseases. Typical stem cell reprogramming protocols involve expression of a small number of genes in differentiated somatic cells with the c-Myc and Klf4 proto-oncogenes typically included in this mix. We have previously shown that expression of oncogenes leads to DNA replication stress and genomic instability, explaining the high frequency of p53 mutations in human cancers. Consequently, we wondered whether stem cell reprogramming also leads to genomic instability. To test this hypothesis, we examined stem cells induced by a variety of protocols. The first protocol, developed specifically for this study, reprogrammed primary mouse mammary cells into mammary stem cells by expressing c-Myc. Two other previously established protocols reprogrammed mouse embryo fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells by expressing either three genes, Oct4, Sox2 and Klf4, or four genes, OSK plus c-Myc. Comparative genomic hybridization analysis of stem cells derived by these protocols revealed the presence of genomic deletions and amplifications, whose signature was suggestive of oncogene-induced DNA replication stress. The genomic aberrations were to a significant degree dependent on c-Myc expression and their presence could explain why p53 inactivation facilitates stem cell reprogramming.