3月,国际学术期刊The Journal of Biological Chemistry发表了上海生科院/上海交大医学院健康所,中国科学院干细胞生物学重点实验室干细胞研究组的最新研究进展。
胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem, ES)来源于着床前胚胎囊胚时期的内细胞团,在体外可以无限扩增,并具有分化为各种成熟的体细胞的能力,这些特性使胚胎干细胞无论在基础研究还是在临床应用上,都具有非常重要的价值。近年来,由体细胞重编程所得的诱导性多能干(induced pluripotent stem,iPS)细胞的建立进一步拉近了ES细胞和临床疾病治疗的距离。同时,深入了解ES细胞的自我更新调控和分化潜能维持的分子机制,也成为科学家们共同关注的焦点之一。
The Journal of Biological Chemistry March 11, 2011 doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.202150
Dual Functions of T-Box 3 (Tbx3) in the Control of Self-renewal and Extraembryonic Endoderm Differentiation in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells*
Rui Lu, Acong Yang and Ying Jin
Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) possess the capacity to proliferate indefinitely in an undifferentiated state and to differentiate into various cell types in an organism. However, the critical question of how self-renewal and differentiation are precisely regulated in ESCs is not entirely understood at present. Here, we report the essential role of Tbx3, a pluripotency-related transcription factor of the T-box gene family, for both the maintenance of self-renewal of mouse ESCs and for their differentiation into extraembryonic endoderm (ExEn). We show that Tbx3 is highly expressed in ExEn cells in addition to undifferentiated ESCs. Knockdown of Tbx3 expression using tetracycline-regulated Tbx3 siRNA resulted in the attenuation of ESC self-renewal ability and aberrant differentiation processes, including reduced ExEn differentiation but enhanced ectoderm and trophectoderm differentiation. Conversely, inducible forced expression of Tbx3 triggered ExEn lineage commitment. Mechanistically, Tbx3 directly activated the expression of Gata6, an essential regulator of ExEn. Interestingly, Tbx3 modulated H3K27me3 modification and the association of the PRC2 complex with the promoter region of Gata6. Taken together, the results of this study revealed a previously unappreciated role of a pluripotency factor in ExEn differentiation. Additionally, our data reveal that Tbx3 may function through direct binding and epigenetic modification of histones on the Gata6 promoter to maintain the ExEn differentiation potential of ESCs.