在人们追求差异化、个性化的今天,个体化用药无疑是个前景光明的大产业。科学家的这项发现,综合运用了纳米科学、细胞生物学等多门学科,将用于新药研发、监测移植细胞等尖端领域。但如此高精尖的新技术其实同样不乏广泛的“群众基础”。也许有朝一日,人们服药时不再只是靠望闻切问和各种生化化验单,而是派出一个传感器“实地”考察各种药物对细胞的影响。当然,这个美好的愿望要变为现实,前提是细胞纳米传感器的成本能下降到与其体积可相提并论。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Nature Nanotechnology doi:10.1038/nnano.2011.101
Cell-surface sensors for real-time probing of cellular environments
Weian Zhao,Sebastian Schafer,Jonghoon Choi,Yvonne J. Yamanaka, Maria L. Lombardi,Suman Bose,Alicia L. Carlson, Joseph A. Phillips,Weisuong Teo, Ilia A. Droujinine, Cheryl H. Cui,Rakesh K. Jain, Jan Lammerding,J. Christopher Love, Charles P. Lin, Debanjan Sarkar, Rohit Karnik8 & Jeffrey M. Karp
The ability to explore cell signalling and cell-to-cell communication is essential for understanding cell biology and developing effective therapeutics. However, it is not yet possible to monitor the interaction of cells with their environments in real time. Here, we show that a fluorescent sensor attached to a cell membrane can detect signalling molecules in the cellular environment. The sensor is an aptamer (a short length of single-stranded DNA) that binds to platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and contains a pair of fluorescent dyes. When bound to PDGF, the aptamer changes conformation and the dyes come closer to each other, producing a signal. The sensor, which is covalently attached to the membranes of mesenchymal stem cells, can quantitatively detect with high spatial and temporal resolution PDGF that is added in cell culture medium or secreted by neighbouring cells. The engineered stem cells retain their ability to find their way to the bone marrow and can be monitored in vivo at the single-cell level using intravital microscopy.