但是《自然》杂志同时发表的社论指出,这是自“黄禹锡造假事件”后最接近培养出可用人类胚胎干细胞的成果,在大方向上证明这仍然是一条可行的道路。社论认为,这将引起新一轮的有关克隆人的大争论,甚至提出联合国有必要开始考虑制订监管克隆的规章制度。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Human oocytes reprogram somatic cells to a pluripotent state
Scott Noggle; Ho-Lim Fung; Athurva Gore; Hector Martinez; Kathleen Crumm Satriani; Robert Prosser; Kiboong Oum; Daniel Paull; Sarah Druckenmiller; Matthew Freeby; Ellen Greenberg; Kun Zhang; Robin Goland; Mark V. Sauer; Rudolph L. Leibel; Dieter Egli
The exchange of the oocyte’s genome with the genome of a somatic cell, followed by the derivation of pluripotent stem cells, could enable the generation of specific cells affected in degenerative human diseases. Such cells, carrying the patient’s genome, might be useful for cell replacement. Here we report that the development of human oocytes after genome exchange arrests at late cleavage stages in association with transcriptional abnormalities. In contrast, if the oocyte genome is not removed and the somatic cell genome is merely added, the resultant triploid cells develop to the blastocyst stage. Stem cell lines derived from these blastocysts differentiate into cell types of all three germ layers, and a pluripotent gene expression program is established on the genome derived from the somatic cell. This result demonstrates the feasibility of reprogramming human cells using oocytes and identifies removal of the oocyte genome as the primary cause of developmental failure after genome exchange.