光刺激也引发了移植来自人类胚胎干细胞(hESCs)的神经元的小鼠大脑切片的小鼠神经元的响应,这提示移植的神经元可以通过功能整合参与到神经元网络并且控制神经元网络的活动。这组作者说,这些发现可能证明对于帕金森病、阿兹海默病、中风和癫痫的疗法有用。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Human embryonic stem cell-derived neurons adopt and regulate the activity of an established neural network
Jason P. Weick, Yan Liu, and Su-Chun Zhang
Whether hESC-derived neurons can fully integrate with and functionally regulate an existing neural network remains unknown. Here, we demonstrate that hESC-derived neurons receive unitary postsynaptic currents both in vitro and in vivo and adopt the rhythmic firing behavior of mouse cortical networks via synaptic integration. Optical stimulation of hESC-derived neurons expressing Channelrhodopsin-2 elicited both inhibitory and excitatory postsynaptic currents and triggered network bursting in mouse neurons. Furthermore, light stimulation of hESC-derived neurons transplanted to the hippocampus of adult mice triggered postsynaptic currents in host pyramidal neurons in acute slice preparations. Thus, hESC-derived neurons can participate in and modulate neural network activity through functional synaptic integration, suggesting they are capable of contributing to neural network information processing both in vitro and in vivo.