美国约翰·霍普金斯大学干细胞项目的负责人宋红军(音译)教授表示,这项技术可提供一个平台,让科学家们研究诸如哪类主神经元会做出反应等问题。魏克和同事现正在将这些光能激活的神经元移植入罹患各种神经退化性疾病的老鼠大脑中。魏克说:“我们最终的期望是能为特定的疾病定制神经元。未来,或许会有一束贯通大脑的光纤,能激活移植进大脑的细胞—比如神经元,让其释放出神经传递素多巴胺来治疗帕金森氏病。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Human embryonic stem cell-derived neurons adopt and regulate the activity of an established neural network
Weick, Jason P.; Liu, Yan; Zhang, Su-Chun
Whether hESC-derived neurons can fully integrate with and functionally regulate an existing neural network remains unknown. Here, we demonstrate that hESC-derived neurons receive unitary postsynaptic currents both in vitro and in vivo and adopt the rhythmic firing behavior of mouse cortical networks via synaptic integration. Optical stimulation of hESC-derived neurons expressing Channelrhodopsin-2 elicited both inhibitory and excitatory postsynaptic currents and triggered network bursting in mouse neurons. Furthermore, light stimulation of hESC-derived neurons transplanted to the hippocampus of adult mice triggered postsynaptic currents in host pyramidal neurons in acute slice preparations. Thus, hESC-derived neurons can participate in and modulate neural network activity through functional synaptic integration, suggesting they are capable of contributing to neural network information processing both in vitro and in vivo.