(图片来源:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
哈佛医学院的研究人员对幼鼠断指(趾)再生进行了研究,发现引起再生的细胞为谱系限制性祖细胞,而非多能干细胞,或许有利于揭示断指再生的机制。其研究结果近日发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)上。
有研究表明,幼儿和鼠具有再生指(趾)的能力,但仅限于甲床区,因该区域Msx1 基因表达水平较高。当发生断指(趾)时,胚芽处的大量快速分裂细胞分裂,产生断指(趾)再生。
Jessica Lehoczky等对胚芽细胞了研究,以了解其是否属于多能干细胞或异质性祖细胞。
Mouse digit tip regeneration is mediated by fate-restricted progenitor cells
Jessica A. Lehoczky, Beno?t Robert, and Clifford J. Tabin.
Regeneration of appendages is frequent among invertebrates as well as some vertebrates. However, in mammals this has been largely relegated to digit tip regeneration, as found in mice and humans. The regenerated structures are formed from a mound of undifferentiated cells called a blastema, found just below the site of amputation. The blastema ultimately gives rise to all of the tissues in the regenerate, excluding the epidermis, and has classically been thought of as a homogenous pool of pluripotent stem cells derived by dedifferentiation of stump tissue, although this has never been directly tested in the context of mammalian digit tip regeneration. Successful digit tip regeneration requires that the level of amputation be within the nail bed and depends on expression of Msx1. Because Msx1 is strongly expressed in the nail bed mesenchyme, it has been proposed that the Msx1-expressing cells represent a pluripotent cell population for the regenerating digit. In this report, we show that Msx1 is dynamically expressed during digit tip regeneration, and it does not mark a pluripotent stem cell population. Moreover, we show that both the ectoderm and mesoderm contain fate-restricted progenitor populations that work in concert to regenerate their own lineages within the digit tip, supporting the hypothesis that the blastema is a heterogeneous pool of progenitor cells.