这篇论文的作者是美国梅奥医学中心(Mayo Clinic)的研究人员。他们宣布,通过让转基因小鼠服用一种特殊药物,能够清除小鼠体内的“僵尸细胞”,从而延缓甚至是预防它们的衰老。
“我们要对付的下一个问题就是:对于人类来说,在什么时候移除多少衰老细胞才不会影响健康状况,但又能产生作用。”研究者之一、斯坦福大学的遗传学家萨诸博士介绍说:“清除僵尸细胞是无法让我们摆脱死亡的,但如果能在人类身上实验成功的话,至少它能让人类更有活力、更健康地活上更长时间。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Clearance of p16Ink4a-positive senescent cells delays ageing-associated disorders
Darren J. Baker,Tobias Wijshake,Tamar Tchkonia, Nathan K. LeBrasseur,Bennett G. Childs, Bart van de Sluis, James L. Kirkland & Jan M. van Deursen, ,
Advanced age is the main risk factor for most chronic diseases and functional deficits in humans, but the fundamental mechanisms that drive ageing remain largely unknown, impeding the development of interventions that might delay or prevent age-related disorders and maximize healthy lifespan. Cellular senescence, which halts the proliferation of damaged or dysfunctional cells, is an important mechanism to constrain the malignant progression of tumour cells. Senescent cells accumulate in various tissues and organs with ageing and have been hypothesized to disrupt tissue structure and function because of the components they secrete. However, whether senescent cells are causally implicated in age-related dysfunction and whether their removal is beneficial has remained unknown. To address these fundamental questions, we made use of a biomarker for senescence, p16Ink4a, to design a novel transgene, INK-ATTAC, for inducible elimination of p16Ink4a-positive senescent cells upon administration of a drug. Here we show that in the BubR1 progeroid mouse background, INK-ATTAC removes p16Ink4a-positive senescent cells upon drug treatment. In tissues—such as adipose tissue, skeletal muscle and eye—in which p16Ink4a contributes to the acquisition of age-related pathologies, life-long removal of p16Ink4a-expressing cells delayed onset of these phenotypes. Furthermore, late-life clearance attenuated progression of already established age-related disorders. These data indicate that cellular senescence is causally implicated in generating age-related phenotypes and that removal of senescent cells can prevent or delay tissue dysfunction and extend healthspan.