多巴胺能神经元是直接从星形胶质细胞重编程而来的,绿色染色标注一种多巴胺合成必需的酶,酪氨酸羟化酶。图片来自宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院Russell Addis博士。
在努力发现新的治疗帕金森疾病方法的过程中,美国宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院(Perelman School of Medicine)研究人员将中枢神经系统中最为丰富的细胞类型星形胶质细胞(astrocyte)直接重编程为产生多巴胺的神经元。帕金森疾病的显著特征是中脑内多巴胺能神经元(dopaminergic neuron)退化。多巴胺是一种大脑化学物,在行为和认知、随意性运动、睡眠、情绪、注意力、记忆和学习方面起着重要作用。2011年12月9日,该研究发表在《PLoS ONE》期刊上。
宾夕法尼亚大学再生医学研究所主任John Gearhart博士,也是该研究的通讯作者,他说,“这些细胞能够潜在性地用于帕金森疾病的细胞替换治疗或者构建实验室帕金森疾病模型”。
该研究所高级研究员Russell C. Addis博士,也是这篇研究论文的第一作者,他说,“我们的研究是第一篇证实将星形胶质细胞转化为中脑多巴胺能神经元的论文,从而为利用新的重编程策略治疗帕金森疾病打开希望之门。”
帕金森疾病影响大脑不同区域,不过主要还是攻击称作黑质(substantial nigra)的产生多巴胺的区域。这个区域的细胞发送多巴胺到另一个称作纹状体(striatum)的区域,而在纹状体中,多巴胺被用来调节运动。随着年龄的增大,杀死多巴胺神经元的化学或基因触发物(genetic trigger)是理解这种特化细胞渐近性丢失的关键。
Efficient Conversion of Astrocytes to Functional Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons Using a Single Polycistronic Vector
Russell C. Addis, Fu-Chun Hsu, Rebecca L. Wright, Marc A. Dichter, Douglas A. Coulter, John D. Gearhart
Direct cellular reprogramming is a powerful new tool for regenerative medicine. In efforts to understand and treat Parkinson's Disease (PD), which is marked by the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain, direct reprogramming provides a valuable new source of these cells. Astrocytes, the most plentiful cells in the central nervous system, are an ideal starting population for the direct generation of dopaminergic neurons. In addition to their potential utility in cell replacement therapies for PD or in modeling the disease in vitro, astrocyte-derived dopaminergic neurons offer the prospect of direct in vivo reprogramming within the brain. As a first step toward this goal, we report the reprogramming of astrocytes to dopaminergic neurons using three transcription factors – ASCL1, LMX1B, and NURR1 – delivered in a single polycistronic lentiviral vector. The process is efficient, with 18.2±1.5% of cells expressing markers of dopaminergic neurons after two weeks. The neurons exhibit expression profiles and electrophysiological characteristics consistent with midbrain dopaminergic neurons, notably including spontaneous pacemaking activity, stimulated release of dopamine, and calcium oscillations. The present study is the first demonstration that a single vector can mediate reprogramming to dopaminergic neurons, and indicates that astrocytes are an ideal starting population for the direct generation of dopaminergic neurons