在能够引领生物医学研究变革的一次主要进展当中,科学家们发现一种从癌症病人身上获得的正常细胞与同样来源的肿瘤细胞在实验室中存活,而这以前是不可能的。实验室中正常细胞通常在有限次分裂之后死亡,而很多常见的癌细胞不可能在体外培养时保持不变。这种新技术2011年12月21日发表在《美国病理学期刊》(American Journal of Pathology)杂志上。
美国乔治敦大学医学中心的乔治敦-隆巴尔迪综合癌症中心主席Richard Schlegel博士也是该研究的高级研究员,他说,这种新技术可能是迈向个人化癌症药物新时代的一次关键性进展,在再生性医学上有着潜在的应用。
研究小组发现在实验室中加入两种不同的物质到癌细胞和正常细胞中促进它们变成类干细胞(stem-like cell)---制造其他细胞的成体细胞。
这两种物质就是Rho激酶(Rho kinase, ROCK)抑制物和成纤维细胞饲养细胞。Schlegel说,ROCK抑制物有助于阻止细胞运动,但是不清楚为什么这种试剂开启干细胞属性。美国国家过敏和传染病研究所Alison McBride博士是Schlegel的合作研究者,他之前已发现一种ROCK抑制物允许皮肤细胞(角蛋白形成细胞)在实验室中增殖,而饲养细胞让它们存活。
ROCK Inhibitor and Feeder Cells Induce the Conditional Reprogramming of Epithelial Cells
We demonstrate that a Rho kinase inhibitor (Y-27632), in combination with fibroblast feeder cells, induces normal and tumor epithelial cells from many tissues to proliferate indefinitely in vitro, without transduction of exogenous viral or cellular genes. Primary prostate and mammary cells, for example, are reprogrammed toward a basaloid, stem-like phenotype and form well-organized prostaspheres and mammospheres in Matrigel. However, in contrast to the selection of rare stem-like cells, the described growth conditions can generate 2 × 106 cells in 5 to 6 days from needle biopsies, and can generate cultures from cryopreserved tissue and from fewer than four viable cells. Continued cell proliferation is dependent on both feeder cells and Y-27632, and the conditionally reprogrammed cells (CRCs) retain a normal karyotype and remain nontumorigenic. This technique also efficiently establishes cell cultures from human and rodent tumors. For example, CRCs established from human prostate adenocarcinoma displayed instability of chromosome 13, proliferated abnormally in Matrigel, and formed tumors in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency. The ability to rapidly generate many tumor cells from small biopsy specimens and frozen tissue provides significant opportunities for cell-based diagnostics and therapeutics (including chemosensitivity testing) and greatly expands the value of biobanking. In addition, the CRC method allows for the genetic manipulation of epithelial cells ex vivo and their subsequent evaluation in vivo in the same host.