作为经常为佩罗尼氏病和其他阴茎问题患者进行治疗的一名泌尿外科医生,美国路易斯安那州新奥尔良市杜兰大学医学院的Wayne Hellstrom,希望能够为他的病人提供一种较少副作用的手术治疗。于是他与来自加利福尼亚州以及中国上海交通大学的同事共同设计出一种更棒的阴茎移植体。
8周后——此时小鼠已从手术中恢复,研究人员对啮齿动物的阴茎进行了检查。他们发现,与那些移植体不含干细胞的小鼠相比,加载了干细胞的移植体结疤较少且具有更好的勃起响应(可用电刺激对动物的反应加以测量)。这些小鼠的勃起在硬度、血流及响应时间上比得上那些假手术和对照组小鼠。来自加载了干细胞的移植体的阴茎细胞具有更多的神经元和内皮NOS——帮助引发及保持勃起的一些酶。它们同时还具有更多的VEGF—— 一种能够刺激新血管发育的生长因子。
参与该项研究的杜兰大学泌尿科医生Asim Abdel-Mageed表示:“我们真的很兴奋,并且对干细胞能够形成这么大的改观感到惊讶。”
马里兰州巴尔的摩市约翰斯·霍普金斯医学院的泌尿专家Trinity Bivalacqua认为:“这是一项卓越的研究,具有大量的临床意义。”但他强调,这种方法只适用于再造,而不适合那些外科医生需要白手起家打造一根新阴茎的情况。Bivalacqua说,尽管这项技术在小鼠中很奏效,“但它不一定能够转化到人身上”。
Hellstrom和同事计划下一步在灵长类动物中测试这一方法,并最终用于人类。Hellstrom说:“佩罗尼氏病影响了3%到9%的成年男性,并引发了大量的心理痛苦。如果我们能够提高现有的一切,这似乎是一个合理的做法。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Adipose tissue-derived stem cell-seeded small intestinal submucosa for tunica albuginea grafting and reconstruction
Ma, Limin; Yang, Yijun; Sikka, Suresh C.; Kadowitz, Philip J.; Ignarro, Louis J.; Abdel-Mageed, Asim B.; Hellstrom, Wayne J. G.
Porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) has been widely used in tunica albuginea (TA) reconstructive surgery. Adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs) can repair damaged tissue, augment cellular differentiation, and stimulate release of multiple growth factors. The aim of this rat study was to assess the feasibility of seeding ADSCs onto SIS grafts for TA reconstruction. Here, we demonstrate that seeding syngeneic ADSCs onto SIS grafts (SIS-ADSC) resulted in significant cavernosal tissue preservation and maintained erectile responses, similar to controls, in a rat model of bilateral incision of TA, compared with sham-operated animals and rats grafted with SIS graft (SIS) alone. In addition to increased TGF-β1 and FGF-2 expression levels, cross-sectional studies of the rat penis with SIS and SIS-ADSC revealed mild to moderate fibrosis and an increase of 30% and 40% in mean diameter in flaccid and erectile states, respectively. SIS grafting induced transcriptional up-regulation of iNOS and down-regulation of endothelial NOS, neuronal NOS, and VEGF, an effect that was restored by seeding ADCSs on the SIS graft. Taken together, these data show that rats undergoing TA incision with autologous SIS-ADSC grafts maintained better erectile function compared with animals grafted with SIS alone. This study suggests that SIS-ADSC grafting can be successfully used for TA reconstruction procedures and can restore erectile function.