造血干细胞产生两种主要的祖细胞系:髓样祖细胞(myeloid progenitor)和淋巴样祖细胞(lymphoid progenitor)。图片来自:Regenerative Medicine. Department of Health and Human Services. Chapter 2: Bone Marrow (Hematopoietic) Stem Cells. August 2006.
来自澳大利亚沃尔特与伊丽莎-霍尔研究所(Walter and Eliza Hall Institute)的研究人员在研究血液系统中应对危机的细胞时得出一些令人吃惊的结论,从而重新描绘体内血细胞如何制造的“图谱”。这一发现可能对人们理解诸如骨髓增生性疾病(myeloproliferative disorder,它导致血细胞过量产生)之类的血液疾病和开发控制血细胞和凝血细胞如何产生的新方法有着广泛的影响。
该研究所癌症和血液学部门Ashley Ng博士和Maria Kauppi博士领导的研究小组研究了一部分血祖细胞和导致它们增殖和产生成熟血细胞的信号。2012年1月30日,他们的研究结果发表在PNAS期刊上。
Ng博士将血祖细胞描述为血液系统的“顶梁柱(heavy lifter)”。他说,“它们是血细胞中称作细胞因子的激素的作用靶标,其中Don Metcalf教授和同事们已经证实这些激素在调节血细胞产生中发挥着关键性作用。在遭受应激如流血时,在感染期间或者接受化疗之后,确实是血祖细胞通过替换丢失或受损的血细胞而作出反应。”
Kauppi博士说,研究小组特别对髓样祖细胞(myeloid progenitor cell)兴趣极大,因为这种细胞产生巨核细胞---一种产生凝血作用的血小板的骨髓细胞。她说,“我们使用一套这些祖细胞特异性的细胞表面标记,从而允许我们分离和描述这些细胞。”
Ng博士说,“这一研究是人们未来开发出治疗血液疾病患者的方法的第一步。当细胞制造过多时,如骨髓增生性疾病,人们可能通过限制血细胞产生来治疗疾病,或者当血液系统受损时,如癌症治疗或感染期间,促进血液产生来治疗疾病。” (生物谷:towersimper编译)
Mol. Cell:SENP1蛋白在T细胞和B细胞发育中发挥关键性作用
Nat. Genet:发现造血干细胞分化关键性基因Dnmt3a
Nat. Genet:Dnmt3a抑制造血干细胞自我更新基因表达
Cell Stem Cell:揭示造血干细胞来源的秘密
Gene Dev.:麻省理工白头研究所首次发现长链非编码RNA阻止红细胞死亡
Characterization of thrombopoietin (TPO)-responsive progenitor cells in adult mouse bone marrow with in vivo megakaryocyte and erythroid potential
Ashley P. Ng, Maria Kauppi, Donald Metcalf, Ladina Di Rago, Craig D. Hyland, and Warren S. Alexander
Hematopoietic progenitor cells are the progeny of hematopoietic stem cells that coordinate the production of precise numbers of mature blood cells of diverse functional lineages. Identification of cell-surface antigen expression associated with hematopoietic lineage restriction has allowed prospective isolation of progenitor cells with defined hematopoietic potential. To clarify further the cellular origins of megakaryocyte commitment, we assessed the in vitro and in vivo megakaryocyte and platelet potential of defined progenitor populations in the adult mouse bone marrow. We show that megakaryocytes arise from CD150+ bipotential progenitors that display both platelet- and erythrocyte-producing potential in vivo and that can develop from the Flt3− fraction of the pregranulocyte-macrophage population. We define a bipotential erythroid-megakaryocyte progenitor population, the CD150+CD9loendoglinlo fraction of Lin−cKit+IL7 receptor alpha−FcγRII/IIIloSca1− cells, which contains the bulk of the megakaryocyte colony-forming capacity of the bone marrow, including bipotential megakaryocyte-erythroid colony-forming capacity, and can generate both erythrocytes and platelets efficiently in vivo. This fraction is distinct from the CD150+CD9hiendoglinlo fraction, which contains bipotential precursors with characteristics of increased megakaryocytic maturation, and the CD150+CD9loendoglinhi fraction, which contains erythroid lineage-committed cells. Finally, we demonstrate that bipotential erythroid-megakaryocyte progenitor and CD150+CD9hiendoglinlo cells are TPO-responsive and that the latter population specifically expands in the recovery from thrombocytopenia induced by anti-platelet serum.