神经干细胞。图片来自剑桥大学Rick Livesey实验室的 Yichen Shi。
英国剑桥大学科学家首次从人皮肤样品中构建出大脑皮层细胞(cerebral cortex cell)---这些细胞组成大脑灰质。2012年2月5日,这项研究结果在线发表在《自然-神经科学》期刊上。
剑桥大学生物化学部门Rick Livesey 博士是这篇研究论文的主要研究员。他说,“这种方法让我们有能力研究人大脑发育和疾病,而这在5年前是难以想象的。”
英国阿尔茨海默疾病研究中心是英国一家主要的痴呆症研究慈善组织。该中心研究主任Simon Ridley说,“我们为资助了这项研究而感到非常高兴。这项研究向前迈出了积极性的一步。在实验室中将干细胞变成完全功能性的神经细胞网络很有希望能够解密诸如阿尔茨海默疾病之类的复杂大脑疾病。痴呆症是我们这个时代面临的最大医学挑战,我们迫切需要更多地了解和如何阻止该疾病。我们希望这些发现能够让我们更接近这种目标。” (生物谷:towersimper编译)
Human cerebral cortex development from pluripotent stem cells to functional excitatory synapses
Yichen Shi, Peter Kirwan, James Smith, Hugh P C Robinson & Frederick J Livesey
Efforts to study the development and function of the human cerebral cortex in health and disease have been limited by the availability of model systems. Extrapolating from our understanding of rodent cortical development, we have developed a robust, multistep process for human cortical development from pluripotent stem cells: directed differentiation of human embryonic stem (ES) and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells to cortical stem and progenitor cells, followed by an extended period of cortical neurogenesis, neuronal terminal differentiation to acquire mature electrophysiological properties, and functional excitatory synaptic network formation. We found that induction of cortical neuroepithelial stem cells from human ES cells and human iPS cells was dependent on retinoid signaling. Furthermore, human ES cell and iPS cell differentiation to cerebral cortex recapitulated in vivo development to generate all classes of cortical projection neurons in a fixed temporal order. This system enables functional studies of human cerebral cortex development and the generation of individual-specific cortical networks ex vivo for disease modeling and therapeutic purposes.