在小鼠连续性生长的切牙发育中影响干细胞作用的突变导致异常发育、过多的牙釉质积累和通常不会磨损的类似长牙的切牙。图片来自Ophir Klein。
对于美国加州大学旧金山分校Ophir Klein博士而言,它确实如此。他能够产生切牙(incisor)要比平常的小家鼠更加类似于长毛象(Woolly Mammoth)长牙(tusk)的的小鼠,对此他感到非常高兴。
他是一位声望快速上升的实验室科学家,获得美国国家卫生研究院颁发的一项高度竞争性的奖金为230万美元的主任新近创新者奖章(Director’s New Innovator Award)。同时Klein也是一名实习医学遗传学家,也是一个旨在更好诊断和治疗年轻病人牙齿和面部畸形的加州大学旧金山分校临床试验小组的成员。
但是更为基础的是,主持加州大学旧金山分校颅面与间质细胞生物学项目(Craniofacial and Mesenchymal Biology Program)的Klein研究牙齿和其他组织以便了解关于干细胞如何影响全身发育的基本事实。
不像我们自己的牙齿,小鼠的切牙是连续性生长的。就此而言,这种啮齿类动物就应感谢在它一生当中都持续存在的干细胞。这些干细胞产生丧失干细胞特征的细胞。这些细胞后代接着产生特化细胞---成釉质细胞( enamel-forming ameloblast)和成牙本质细胞(dentin-forming odontoblast)。在生命初期,人类拥有类似地促进牙齿发育的干细胞,但是在童年早期我们的成年牙齿完全形成之后,它们就失活了。
但是当小鼠在一生当中咀嚼食物时,它的切牙中未受保护的牙本质组分要比牙釉质更容易发生磨损。甚至当小鼠的牙齿继续生长时,它们也会发生磨损。为了达到平衡,牙齿通常维持在一个对小鼠而言刚刚好的长度,但是在突变小鼠中不能如此。Klein和他以前的导师和干细胞带路人Gail Martin博士一起追踪这种额外长的牙齿产生的原因。他们发现原因就是特异性基因改变导致异常分子信号传导。这种异常信号传导促进切牙各个面上产生牙釉质的干细胞激活,从而阻止正常的牙齿损耗。
Klein如今一直在详细研究导致这种可怕长牙的实验。在他最近的切牙研究中,即2011年9月8日发表在PLoS ONE期刊上的一篇论文,Klein鉴定出产生位于小鼠切牙底部的成体干细胞独特性质的其他分子。
Klein鉴定出的分子是一类称作为microRNAs的分子的独特性成员。在药物开发期间,microRNAs自然地有助于影响细胞命运。如今,研究人员正在探索这些小分子如何可能能够被用来操纵很多类型的细胞群体。这些microRNAs中的一些在不同组织中发挥着类似作用。在Klein与他的同事Andrew Jheon博士和Chunying Li博士发现的众多microRNAs当中,有一个microRNA能够激活牙齿中的干细胞,而且人们之前早已发现它还促进产生毛囊的干细胞激活。
令人注目的是,根据Klein和他的合作者基因泰克公司副总裁Fred de Sauvage博士于2011年10月31日发表在《自然》期刊上的一篇研究论文,他们通过操纵这些分子发现在一些情形中,我们珍贵的干细胞可能是冗余的。在肠道中有一种干细胞类型似乎并不起着太大作用除非另一种曾经被认为无关紧要的干细胞群体被完全消灭。当这种情形发生时,这种正常情形下懒散的干细胞群体便迅速采取行动和前来营救。
Klein说,“在体外利用干细胞再生的组织仍然没用于治疗颅面畸形的临床实践。但是我们关于我们体内不同细胞群体在干细胞指导下如何产生、扩增和发生特化的知识正在快速地积累。我认为基于人们不断增加的理解医学发展的未来是光明的。” (生物谷:towersimper编译)
Expression of MicroRNAs in the Stem Cell Niche of the Adult Mouse Incisor
Andrew H. Jheon, Chun-Ying Li, Timothy Wen, Frederic Michon, Ophir D. Klein
The mouse incisor is a valuable but under-utilized model organ for studying the behavior of adult stem cells. This remarkable tooth grows continuously throughout the animal's lifetime and houses two distinct epithelial stem cell niches called the labial and lingual cervical loop (laCL and liCL, respectively). These stem cells produce progeny that undergo a series of well-defined differentiation events en route to becoming enamel-producing ameloblasts. During this differentiation process, the progeny move out of the stem cell niche and migrate toward the distal tip of the tooth. Although the molecular pathways involved in tooth development are well documented, little is known about the roles of miRNAs in this process. We used microarray technology to compare the expression of miRNAs in three regions of the adult mouse incisor: the laCL, liCL, and ameloblasts. We identified 26 and 35 differentially expressed miRNAs from laCL/liCL and laCL/ameloblast comparisons, respectively. Out of 10 miRNAs selected for validation by qPCR, all transcripts were confirmed to be differentially expressed. In situ hybridization and target prediction analyses further supported the reliability of our microarray results. These studies point to miRNAs that likely play a role in the renewal and differentiation of adult stem cells during stem cell-fueled incisor growth.
A reserve stem cell population in small intestine renders Lgr5-positive cells dispensable
Hua Tian, Brian Biehs, Søren Warming, Kevin G. Leong, Linda Rangell, Ophir D. Klein & Frederic J. de Sauvage
The small intestine epithelium renews every 2 to 5 days, making it one of the most regenerative mammalian tissues. Genetic inducible fate mapping studies have identified two principal epithelial stem cell pools in this tissue. One pool consists of columnar Lgr5-expressing cells that cycle rapidly and are present predominantly at the crypt base1. The other pool consists of Bmi1-expressing cells that largely reside above the crypt base2. However, the relative functions of these two pools and their interrelationship are not understood. Here we specifically ablated Lgr5-expressing cells in mice using a human diphtheria toxin receptor (DTR) gene knocked into the Lgr5 locus. We found that complete loss of the Lgr5-expressing cells did not perturb homeostasis of the epithelium, indicating that other cell types can compensate for the elimination of this population. After ablation of Lgr5-expressing cells, progeny production by Bmi1-expressing cells increased, indicating that Bmi1-expressing stem cells compensate for the loss of Lgr5-expressing cells. Indeed, lineage tracing showed that Bmi1-expressing cells gave rise to Lgr5-expressing cells, pointing to a hierarchy of stem cells in the intestinal epithelium. Our results demonstrate that Lgr5-expressing cells are dispensable for normal intestinal homeostasis, and that in the absence of these cells, Bmi1-expressing cells can serve as an alternative stem cell pool. These data provide the first experimental evidence for the interrelationship between these populations. The Bmi1-expressing stem cells may represent both a reserve stem cell pool in case of injury to the small intestine epithelium and a source for replenishment of the Lgr5-expressing cells under non-pathological conditions.