近日,PLoS ONE发表了英国布里斯托大学和曼彻斯特大学研究人员的成果,揭开了心力衰竭的机制,发现两种蛋白质调节心脏细胞内钙的释放,为避免这种风险情况提供了新的可能。
该校的Rebecca Sitsapesan博士说:“心脏及循环系统疾病是英国人口死亡的一个主要原因,每年造成大约191000人死亡,是总死亡人数的三分之一。这些新的发现非常重要,因为我们可以利用这些信息为心力衰竭患者开发新的疗法,以减少意外死亡的风险。”(生物谷Bioon.com)
FKBP12 Activates the Cardiac Ryanodine Receptor Ca2+-Release Channel and Is Antagonised by FKBP12.6
Elena Galfré, Samantha J. Pitt, Elisa Venturi, Mano Sitsapesan, Nathan R. Zaccai, Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova, Stephen O'Neill, Rebecca Sitsapesan
Changes in FKBP12.6 binding to cardiac ryanodine receptors (RyR2) are implicated in mediating disturbances in Ca2+-homeostasis in heart failure but there is controversy over the functional effects of FKBP12.6 on RyR2 channel gating. We have therefore investigated the effects of FKBP12.6 and another structurally similar molecule, FKBP12, which is far more abundant in heart, on the gating of single sheep RyR2 channels incorporated into planar phospholipid bilayers and on spontaneous waves of Ca2+-induced Ca2+-release in rat isolated permeabilised cardiac cells. We demonstrate that FKBP12 is a high affinity activator of RyR2, sensitising the channel to cytosolic Ca2+, whereas FKBP12.6 has very low efficacy, but can antagonise the effects of FKBP12. Mathematical modelling of the data shows the importance of the relative concentrations of FKBP12 and FKBP12.6 in determining RyR2 activity. Consistent with the single-channel results, physiological concentrations of FKBP12 (3 µM) increased Ca2+-wave frequency and decreased the SR Ca2+-content in cardiac cells. FKBP12.6, itself, had no effect on wave frequency but antagonised the effects of FKBP12.
We provide a biophysical analysis of the mechanisms by which FK-binding proteins can regulate RyR2 single-channel gating. Our data indicate that FKBP12, in addition to FKBP12.6, may be important in regulating RyR2 function in the heart. In heart failure, it is possible that an alteration in the dual regulation of RyR2 by FKBP12 and FKBP12.6 may occur. This could contribute towards a higher RyR2 open probability, ‘leaky’ RyR2 channels and Ca2+-dependent arrhythmias.