海栖热袍菌(Thermotoga maritima)S-腺苷蛋氨酸脱羧酶晶体结构,图片来自维基共享资源。
新加坡科技研究局(Agency for Science, Technology and Reseach, A*STAR)科学家第一次鉴定出精确地调控多胺水平在胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cell, ESC)自我更新和定向分化中发挥着关键性作用。这篇论文于2012年3月1日发表在Genes & Development期刊上,有助于人们更好地理解胚胎干细胞调控机制。
胚胎干细胞很有潜力被用来开发出细胞疗法(cell therapy),即利用干细胞修复因为疾病或创伤而受损的组织。这是因为它们拥有一种独特的自我更新和分化成体内任何一种特定类型细胞的能力。细胞疗法面临的众多挑战之一就是确保胚胎干细胞充分地和有效地分化为正确的细胞类型。这项研究有助于人们理解胚胎干细胞是如何受到调节的,而且这也是人们战胜这些挑战并将细胞疗法转变为现实的关键。
利用小鼠模式动物,来自新加坡科技研究局医学生物研究所的科学家领导的一个研究小组证实高水平的Amd1(Adenosyl methionine decarboxylase,腺苷蛋氨酸脱羧酶)---多胺物质精胺和亚精胺合成途径的一种关键性酶---是维持胚胎干细胞状态和自我更新所必需的。为了进一步证实Amd1在胚胎干细胞中发挥的关键性作用,研究小组发现增加Amd1水平导致胚胎干细胞分化发生延迟。这项研究还揭示下调Amd1是胚胎干细胞分化为神经祖细胞(neural precursor cell)所必需的,而且还发现可以利用microRNA调控Amd1的翻译,这也是第一次证实microRNA介导多胺合成途径的调控。
论文通讯作者Leah Vardy博士说,“Amd1调控的多胺有潜力调控干细胞自我更新和分化的许多不同方面。下一步就是更加详细地揭示这些多胺在胚胎干细胞和分化为不同细胞系的细胞中发挥重要作用的分子靶标。科学家有可能通过多胺合成途径的抑制物或激活物操纵胚胎干细胞中的多胺水平从而有助于指导胚胎干细胞分化为临床上更加有用的细胞系。” (生物谷:towersimper编译)
AMD1 is essential for ESC self-renewal and is translationally down-regulated on differentiation to neural precursor cells
Dawei Zhang, Tianyun Zhao, Haw Siang Ang, Peini Chong, Ryotaro Saiki, Kazuei Igarashi, Henry Yang and Leah A. Vardy
The gene expression networks governing embryonic stem cell (ESC) pluripotency are complex and finely regulated during differentiation toward specific lineages. We describe a new role for Amd1 (adenosyl methionine decarboxylase), a key enzyme in the polyamine synthesis pathway, in regulating both ESC self-renewal and differentiation to the neural lineage. Amd1 is highly expressed in ESCs and is translationally down-regulated by the neural precursor cell (NPC)-enriched microRNA miR-762 during NPC differentiation. Overexpression of Amd1 or addition of the polyamine spermine blocks ESC-to-NPC conversion, suggesting Amd1 must be down-regulated to decrease the levels of inhibitory spermine during differentiation. In addition, we demonstrate that high levels of Amd1 are required for maintenance of the ESC state. We show that forced overexpression of Amd1 in ESCs results in maintenance of high Myc levels and a delay in differentiation on removal of LIF. We propose that Amd1 is a major regulator of ESC self-renewal and that its essential role lies in its regulation of Myc levels within the cell.