两个人血小板源性生长因子受体β(platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta,PDGFRβ)分子(用黄色和洋红色表示)与一个二聚体PDGF-B(青色和绿色表示)形成复合物的的色带图,图片来自维基共享资源。
来自美国塔夫斯大学的一个研究小组鉴定出重编程皮肤细胞(reprogrammed skin cell)DNA上存在的控制基因表达瞬时变化的表观遗传标记(epigenetic signature)。这些标记能够用来预测重编程皮肤细胞或者说诱导性多功能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells, iPSCs)中一种起着愈合伤口作用的蛋白的表达。科学家一直希望利用对病人皮肤细胞进行重编程而产生的iPSC细胞,而不是人胚胎干细胞,来开发出一种实现个人化组织再生的策略。理解如何控制这种蛋白的表达让我们朝这一目标更走近一步。相关研究结果于2012年2月17日在线发表在Journal of Cell Science期刊上。
研究人员利用重编程细胞来产生模拟体内伤口修复环境的三维结缔组织。为了验证血小板源性生长因子受体β(platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta,PDGFRβ)在组织再生和维护当中所起的作用,研究小组阻断它在细胞内的表达,从而损害细胞重建组织的能力。
“我们确定组织成功再生与PDGFRβ表达相关联。从理论上讲,通过鉴定控制它表达的表观遗传标记,我们就能够确定重编程细胞在整个发育过程中维持正常细胞特征的潜力” ,论文第一作者Kyle Hewitt博士说。他是塔夫斯大学塞克勒生物医学科学研究生学院(Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences)细胞、分子与发育生物学项目的一位研究生,同时也是塔夫斯大学牙医学院Garlick实验室的一名博士后研究员。
“利用重编程皮肤细胞产生病人特异性的细胞的能力可能允许人们开发出改善的、个人化的细胞疗法用于伤口愈合。这些重编程细胞可能潜在地作为一种工具用于药物开发、疾病建模和转化医学,同时不用担心胚胎干细胞带来的伦理争议”,论文通信作者Jonathan Garlick说。(生物谷:towersimper编译)
PDGFRβ Expression and Function in Fibroblasts Derived from Pluripotent Cells is Linked to DNA Demethylation
Kyle J. Hewitt, Yulia Shamis, Elana Knight, Avi Smith, Anna Maione, Addy Alt-Holland, Steven D. Sheridan, Stephen J. Haggarty and Jonathan A. Garlick
Platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta (PDGFRβ) is required for the development of mesenchymal cell types, and plays a diverse role in the function of fibroblasts in tissue homeostasis and regeneration. In this study, we characterized the expression of PDGFRβ in fibroblasts derived from human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells, and showed that this expression is important for cellular functions including migration and extracellular matrix production and assembly in 3D self-assembled tissues. To determine potential regulatory regions predictive of expression of PDGFRβ following differentiation from ESC and iPSC, we analyzed the DNA methylation status of a region of the PDGFRβ promoter containing multiple CpG sites before and after differentiation. We demonstrated that this promoter region is extensively demethylated following differentiation, and represents a developmentally-regulated, differentially-methylated region linked to PDGFRβ expression. Understanding the epigenetic regulation of genes such as PDGFRβ, and identifying sites of active DNA demethylation, is essential for future applications of pluripotent stem cell-derived fibroblasts for regenerative medicine.