oskar RNA在正常的卵母细胞中可以被转运至细胞后极(红色部分),但是在SOLE标签缺失的细胞中却不会或者很少被转运。
3月18日,来自欧洲分子生物学实验室(EMBL)的科学家通过研究发现了一种称为oskar RNA的小分子,这种小分子就像安分守己的火车乘客一样,有着自己的车票,并且提供了准确的目的地信息和运输形式。研究者的相关研究成果刊登在了近日的国际著名杂志Nature Structure & Molecular Biology上,研究报告同样也指出了,这种小分子可以依据所处细胞类型的不同来提供不同目的地的车票,转运不同的物质到目的地去。
为了果蝇的胚胎能够完好的发育,母体细胞产生的oskar RNA可以进入卵细胞或者卵母细胞发挥作用,直至胚胎成熟;EMBL的研究者指出,oskar RNA的运输形式比想象中要复杂的多,当oskar RNA通过剪接作用被运输的时候,两个不同的关键标签(tags)SOLE和EJC便会紧挨着吸附到它上面,研究者Ephrussi和他的同事研究发现,这两个关键标签可以在特定的位置协助oskar到目的地发挥作用,于此同时,它们可以形成“电子车票”并且给oskar予以标记,使其可以运输至细胞后极(posterior pole)以便和其它进入卵母细胞的RNAs进行区分。
Control of RNP motility and localization by a splicing-dependent structure in oskar mRNA
Sanjay Ghosh1, 2 Virginie Marchand1, 2 Imre Gáspár1 Anne Ephrussi1
oskar RNA localization to the posterior pole of the Drosophila melanogaster oocyte requires splicing of the first intron and the exon junction complex (EJC) core proteins. The functional link between splicing, EJC deposition and oskar localization has been unclear. Here we demonstrate that the EJC associates with oskar mRNA upon splicing in vitro and that Drosophila EJC deposition is constitutive and conserved. Our in vivo analysis reveals that splicing creates the spliced oskar localization element (SOLE), whose structural integrity is crucial for ribonucleoprotein motility and localization in the oocyte. Splicing thus has a dual role in oskar mRNA localization: assembling the SOLE and depositing the EJC required for mRNA transport. The SOLE complements the EJC in formation of a functional unit that, together with the oskar 3′ UTR, maintains proper kinesin-based motility of oskar mRNPs and posterior mRNA targeting.