β-地中海贫血症(beta-thalassemia)是一种遗传性疾病,是由于编码β珠蛋白(beta-globin)的基因存在缺陷造成的。所以血红蛋白中的关键性组分珠蛋白便是由这个基因产生的。迄今为止,在法国,仅有一名病人接受基因疗法来治疗β-地中海贫血,不过还未听说过有病人接受基因疗法来治疗镰状细胞性贫血症(sickle cell anemia)。
美国威尔康奈尔医学院(Weill Cornell Medical College)遗传医学副教授Stefano Rivella博士和他的同事们开发出的一种新的基因转移技术确保编码β珠蛋白的基因导入细胞后仍然保持活性并且能够表达β珠蛋白。
研究人员将一种“锚蛋白绝缘物(ankyrin insulator)”挂载到慢病毒载体携带的β珠蛋白基因上。在基因转移期间,慢病毒载体被导入到从病人身上提取的骨髓干细胞内,然后通过骨髓移植将这些干细胞移植回到病人体内,这样它们就可以制造正常的β珠蛋白和血红蛋白。
Therapeutic Hemoglobin Levels after Gene Transfer in β-Thalassemia Mice and in Hematopoietic Cells of β-Thalassemia and Sickle Cells Disease Patients
Laura Breda, Carla Casu, Sara Gardenghi, Nicoletta Bianchi, Luca Cartegni, Mohandas Narla, Karina Yazdanbakhsh, Marco Musso, Deepa Manwani, Jane Little, Lawrence B. Gardner, Dorothy A. Kleinert, Eugenia Prus, Eitan Fibach, Robert W. Grady, Patricia J. Giardina, Roberto Gambari, Stefano Rivella
Preclinical and clinical studies demonstrate the feasibility of treating β-thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) by lentiviral-mediated transfer of the human β-globin gene. However, previous studies have not addressed whether the ability of lentiviral vectors to increase hemoglobin synthesis might vary in different patients.
We generated lentiviral vectors carrying the human β-globin gene with and without an ankyrin insulator and compared their ability to induce hemoglobin synthesis in vitro and in thalassemic mice. We found that insertion of an ankyrin insulator leads to higher, potentially therapeutic levels of human β-globin through a novel mechanism that links the rate of transcription of the transgenic β-globin mRNA during erythroid differentiation with polysomal binding and efficient translation, as reported here for the first time. We also established a preclinical assay to test the ability of this novel vector to synthesize adult hemoglobin in erythroid precursors and in CD34+ cells isolated from patients affected by β-thalassemia and SCD. Among the thalassemic patients, we identified a subset of specimens in which hemoglobin production can be achieved using fewer copies of the vector integrated than in others. In SCD specimens the treatment with AnkT9W ameliorates erythropoiesis by increasing adult hemoglobin (Hb A) and concurrently reducing the sickling tetramer (Hb S).
Our results suggest two major findings. First, we discovered that for the purpose of expressing the β-globin gene the ankyrin element is particularly suitable. Second, our analysis of a large group of specimens from β-thalassemic and SCD patients indicates that clinical trials could benefit from a simple test to predict the relationship between the number of vector copies integrated and the total amount of hemoglobin produced in the erythroid cells of prospective patients. This approach would provide vital information to select the best candidates for these clinical trials, before patients undergo myeloablation and bone marrow transplant.