关键词: 胚胎干细胞 荧光标记 肺部祖细胞 甲状腺祖细胞 肺气肿 囊肿性纤维症
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鉴于胚胎干细胞类似于早期发育中的胚胎,美国波士顿大学再生医学中心主任Darrell Kotton和同事们在一项新研究中研究胚胎发育过程中正常的肺部和甲状腺发育。以前的研究表明来自胚胎内胚层的祖细胞(progenitor cell)产生肺部、甲状腺、胰腺、胃肠道和其他器官。为此,研究人员着重研究胚胎发育发生的时间以便鉴定出哪些因子决定胚胎干细胞如何分化。
为了证实研究人员纯化的这些细胞确实是肺部祖细胞,Kotton领导的研究小组研究这些细胞的全局基因表达谱,并将它们放置在一个三维肺部支架(lung scaffold)中,结果这些细胞生长并发生增殖,形成两种类型的正常情况下包被肺泡囊(air sac of the lung)的肺细胞。
这些研究发现表明这种技术能够被用来在体外培养原始性肺部祖细胞以便来研究人类疾病,从而可能导致人们开发出治疗包括肺气肿(emphysema)和囊肿性纤维症(Cystic Fibrosis)在内的末期肺病的新方法。
归纳在一起,研究人员在体外利用胚胎干细胞获得纯的肺部和甲状腺祖细胞群体,而且这些细胞能够成功地被用来模拟肺部和甲状腺组织形成的重要发育阶段。同时,研究人员鉴定出胚胎干细胞分化为肺部祖细胞所必需的因子。这些研究结果有助于人们利用组织工程技术开发出新的基于基因和细胞的疗法来治疗肺部。相关研究结果于2012年4月6日发表在Cell Stem Cell期刊上。(生物谷:towersimper编译)
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Efficient Derivation of Purified Lung and Thyroid Progenitors from Embryonic Stem Cells
Tyler A. Longmire, Laertis Ikonomou, Finn Hawkins, Constantina Christodoulou, Yuxia Cao, J.C. Jean, Letty W. Kwok, Hongmei Mou, Jayaraj Rajagopal, Steven S. Shen, Anne A. Dowton, Maria Serra, Daniel J. Weiss, Michael D. Green, Hans-Willem Snoeck, Maria I. Ramirez, Darrell N. Kotton
Two populations of Nkx2-1+ progenitors in the developing foregut endoderm give rise to the entire postnatal lung and thyroid epithelium, but little is known about these cells because they are difficult to isolate in a pure form. We demonstrate here the purification and directed differentiation of primordial lung and thyroid progenitors derived from mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Inhibition of TGFβ and BMP signaling, followed by combinatorial stimulation of BMP and FGF signaling, can specify these cells efficiently from definitive endodermal precursors. When derived using Nkx2-1GFP knockin reporter ESCs, these progenitors can be purified for expansion in culture and have a transcriptome that overlaps with developing lung epithelium. Upon induction, they can express a broad repertoire of markers indicative of lung and thyroid lineages and can recellularize a 3D lung tissue scaffold. Thus, we have derived a pure population of progenitors able to recapitulate the developmental milestones of lung/thyroid development.