近日,来自布里斯托大学的数学家和爱丁堡大学的生物学家联合开展了一项分子生物学实验,研究者Clive Bowsher和Peter Swain将他们的研究成果刊登在了近日的国际杂志PNAS上,文章中,研究者阐述了他们在研究活细胞代谢机制的时候,如何从众多的噪声(noise)之中分离出细胞信号分子(signal)。
研究者的这篇文章揭示了如何将这种生物化学的网络的上下波动分解成多重的组分,同时也揭示了如何设计实验性的报道分子来检测活细胞中的这些组分。数学家Clive Bowsher为动态系统提供了不一致的分解技术,随后研究者们合作,在系统生物学内在噪声的概念上、信息容量的概念上以及相关比之间建立了严格的联系,研究者们进而构建出了一种全面化的信号噪声比系统来测量各个组分之间的不一致,从而对经过生化网络上的信息流进行定量,定量其效率的高低。
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Identifying sources of variation and the flow of information in biochemical networks
Clive G. Bowshera,1 and Peter S. Swainb,1
To understand how cells control and exploit biochemical fluctuations, we must identify the sources of stochasticity, quantify their effects, and distinguish informative variation from confounding “noise.” We present an analysis that allows fluctuations of biochemical networks to be decomposed into multiple components, gives conditions for the design of experimental reporters to measure all components, and provides a technique to predict the magnitude of these components from models. Further, we identify a particular component of variation that can be used to quantify the efficacy of information flow through a biochemical network. By applying our approach to osmosensing in yeast, we can predict the probability of the different osmotic conditions experienced by wild-type yeast and show that the majority of variation can be informational if we include variation generated in response to the cellular environment. Our results are fundamental to quantifying sources of variation and thus are a means to understand biological “design.”