4月24日,移植领域排名第一的杂志Cell Transplantation在线发表了中科院动物研究所段恩奎实验室在该领域的最新结果。该实验室成功建立了一种新的毛囊干细胞分离和纯化方法——器官培养法。此方法简单、易操作,只用一根大鼠触须毛囊就能获得大量可以长期传代培养的毛囊干细胞。该干细胞易于纯化,自我更新能力强,克隆形成效率高,表达毛囊干细胞的标志分子K14、α6-整合素、P63和K15。转染绿色荧光蛋白基因的这种毛囊干细胞与真皮成纤维细胞一起移植到裸鼠背部后,可观察到形成了新的表皮、毛囊和皮脂腺。
Hair Follicle Stem Cells Derived from Single Rat Vibrissa via Organ Culture Reconstitute Hair Follicles in vivo
Shoubing Zhang, Huimin Hu, Huishan Zhang, Shuang Liu, Shu Liu, Ying Zhang, Xiaohua Lei, Lina Ning, Yujing Cao, and Enkui Duan
Hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) are potentially useful for the treatment of skin injuries and diseases. To achieve clinical application, a prerequisite must be accomplished: harvesting enough HFSCs from limited skin biopsy. The commonly-used sorting approach for isolating HFSCs, however, suffers from its intrinsic disadvantages such as requirement of large-scale skin biopsy. Here, we report an efficient organ culture method to isolate and expand rat HFSCs from limited skin biopsy and these HFSCs could reconstitute the epidermis and the hair follicles (HFs). 73% of cultured HFs formed hair follicle stem cell colonies from the bulge, and a single hair follicle provided all the HFSCs used in this research, demonstrating the high efficiency of this method. Quantitative RT-PCR and immunofluorescent staining results revealed that these stem cells obtained from the bulge highly expressed basal layer markers K14 and alpha-6 integrin, epithelial stem cell marker P63 and bulge stem cell marker K15. After long-term culture in vitro, GFPlabeled hair follicle stem cells formed new hair follicles, epidermis, and sebaceous glands following xenotransplantation into the back of nude mice. This study indicated that multipotent hair follicle stem cells could be efficiently harvested through organ culture from limited skin material—even a single hair follicle—and reconstitute hair follicles in vivo after long-term expansion culture, providing the basis for future clinical applications.