现在,在繁忙的十字路口很少见到交警指挥交通的情景,在我们的细胞里却经常上演与交警指挥交通类似的情景。德国海德尔堡欧洲分子生物学实验室(EMBL,European Molecular Biology Laboratory)的科学家们已发现,一种Lem4蛋白指挥着细胞分裂的一个关键步骤,通过一边阻止一种分子前进,一边放行另一种分子来实现,这一研究发表在7月6日的Cell上。
这也发生在人类细胞和秀丽隐杆线虫(C. elegans)中,它似乎是一种进化很久的策略。通过遗传学与生物化学的结合研究,科学家们发现即使线虫版Lem4与人类版的完全不同,但在细胞分裂结束时,它们都执行相同的双重任务。这种单一分子既阻止标签添加又促进标签去除的策略,可能用于许多涉及磷酸化标签的细胞过程中,如细胞生长和分裂、环境信号传入细胞。那么,又是什么激发Lem4在恰当的时候开始双重行动了?这正是科学家们接下来要研究的内容。(生物谷bioon.com)
Coordination of Kinase and Phosphatase Activities by Lem4 Enables Nuclear Envelope Reassembly during Mitosis
Claudio Asencio, Iain F. Davidson, Rachel Santarella-Mellwig, Thi Bach Nga Ly-Hartig, Moritz Mall, Matthew R. Wallenfang, Iain W. Mattaj, Mátyás Gorjánácz
Mitosis in metazoa requires nuclear envelope (NE) disassembly and reassembly. NE disassembly is driven by multiple phosphorylation events. Mitotic phosphorylation of the protein BAF reduces its affinity for chromatin and the LEM family of inner nuclear membrane proteins; loss of this BAF-mediated chromatin-NE link contributes to NE disassembly. BAF must reassociate with chromatin and LEM proteins at mitotic exit to reform the NE; however, how its dephosphorylation is regulated is unknown. Here, we show that the C. elegans protein LEM-4L and its human ortholog Lem4 (also called ANKLE2) are both required for BAF dephosphorylation. They act in part by inhibiting BAF's mitotic kinase, VRK-1, in vivo and in vitro. In addition, Lem4/LEM-4L interacts with PP2A and is required for it to dephosphorylate BAF during mitotic exit. By coordinating VRK-1- and PP2A-mediated signaling on BAF, Lem4/LEM-4L controls postmitotic NE formation in a function conserved from worms to humans.